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Firmware 7.0 - For Classic Model S

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Glad to see I'm not the only one that hates this trend of flat-design over skeuomorphism, and sparse displays over useful, uncrowded information. I feel like v7 UI was taken right out of the Jony Ive book of "your customers are idiots, so give them less information that confuses them". In any case, I took a gander at making a video about the new firmware:
Tesla Model S P85+ Firmware 7 - YouTube

I've said this before, and I think many people would agree with me. While I personally don't like the new flat design (they've gone WAY overboard here)... I could live with it, and actually be happy with the V7 update -- IF they just left all the content in the same place. Same layout, same "apps", etc.

And I agree with some folks that in several places V7 does look alot "cleaner" and "crisper" compared to 6.2. Certainly the fake bezel around the large icons at the top of the touchscreen was ultimate in skeuomorphism and I'm glad to see that gone. But then they take it way too far and neuter the A/C controls at the bottom of the touchscreen.

But the bottom line is here the more I think about the V7 we got, the more and more I'm really sad. Just sad that a car company could get some many things right about the most awesome car in the world over the last several years... and then turn around and get this UI so, so wrong. It just makes me sad.
In most company I consider myself the obstinate and opinionated one...but among this bunch, I seem very laid back!
Maybe it's because I've had the car almost 3 years, but I just roll with the punches. Change is always hard, but in a little time you adapt and either Tesla changes things for the better again, or you find work arounds. The new and different becomes the comfortable and familiar.

I said about 20 pages of this thread back that I too feel like there are some pretty big 'misses' in this update...esp. the loss of Trip A/B...but the battery icon, I think, will become second nature quickly, I already find myself glancing at it when I start the car then find that it's not something that I perseverate upon when it's huge and front and center. In day time the numbers on the speedometer/power meter are very faint--not sure what they were thinking there. And I want the date and time back where it was if I could have my way.

But I'll adapt. The stubborn refusal to update accomplishes nothing. But perhaps the complaining here will...I certainly expect Tesla will, eventually, respond to some of our feedback. I'm just kinda shocked some of these silly choices were not fixed when this was in beta...or alpha for that matter.
Not complaining, just commenting :) This v7 UI is dumb. Just plain dumb. White blob in the middle of the panel at night. Developer turnover must be a problem.

I cannot believe anyone that uses a MS actually designed or QA/UX'd it. And dropping a it on the classic non-AP... sorry dumb. Progress and small steps forward is one thing, but taking steps backwards is just unthinking and dumb.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. If you like it it is aok!
I did find myself glancing at the battery meter a couple of times today looking for the temperature. It was confusing because my normal battery range is 70-90% and that is also the range of temperatures we've been having lately, so I would have an instant of confusion each time. But I'll adjust quickly. The A/B trip might be nice when actually going on a road trip, but the B meter that I have tracking since things began rarely changes these days (and I only use the A meter when I'm going on a multi-day road trip). I find elapsed and start time for my current drive to be a much appreciated addition. I also like the new nav panel. While I feel there were strange choices in the design, after a day I do find all in all I'm pleased.
I installed the update last night and the UI was updated in my 2013 P85 (VIN050XX).

- - - Updated - - -

I agree with you. I do not like the look of the new UI compared to the old.

Given that at least for the main screen that the UI is written using the QT toolkit, themeing it should be relatively easy. I'd love it if we could design our own themes.
My sig reply to the new V7 is meah!

Some improvements, some things worse, and many things randomly changed.

The contrast was decreased for both screens making things difficult to see in the sun with my old eyes. 50 year old eyes require about 3x the light that 20 year old eyes require. Wow!
I installed the update today. Initially I thought I would hold off on this update, as the most important part of the interface to me, the power meter, appeared to be useless, but that isn't the case -- it is still there and functional, with essentially the same center speedometer display.

The 17inch screen is improved, particularly the nav screen. Seems like it gained half inch on each side from eliminating the non-functional, faux-chrome borders. Looks really sharp. The top control bar of the nav window is transparent as well, which makes the screen feel even larger. The controls screen, and its tabs open noticeably more quickly. I don't like the new blue color used for night mode buttons -- the old blue was brighter and popped more, but not a big deal.

The top row of icons (Lock Button, Temp, Charging Screen, Homelink, Profiles, etc.) now looks consistent with just solid white simple icons. Lock button is a nice addition. The battery icon up there always kinda bugged me. It was too small to be useful, so I don't miss it at all, and it didn't fit with the rest of the icons. I expect it freed up some memory and cpu to change that icon to a static one.

Next is the app row. The new icons look better, less cheesy clipart style, and they have eliminated the non-functional faux-chrome border/shelf they sat in, which makes that part of the screen take up a lot less room. Also got rid of the text below each app. More room for the main screens.

The big problem with those two top rows is that the background is always black! Looks like it is in night mode all the time, doesn't fit in day mode at all. Plus the black background behind the apps shows fingerprints more consistently than a grey background would. At least they could have made it change colors like the bottom control row does between night and day mode. Really weird that every other part of the screen changes between modes, except that part. Bugs me a bit.

The bottom row of controls and climate control volume looks less refined than the rest of the new graphics. Not thrilled with that design, but at least it changes colors in day/night mode unlike the top part of the screen. The fan icon no longer shows the fan speed, and HVAC and Re-circulation are no longer displayed without opening the climate controls. I expect this was done for the same reason as the battery icon -- the little fan icon was small and hard to see, and eliminating those extra bits of animation saved memory and cpu. I feel like the main climate on/off button is slightly larger which makes it easier to press.

The instrument cluster is a mixed bag. Not sure the value of the car graphic in the middle. I can see the car's lights but that is it. I expected to see the doors open when I opened my door. Inconsistent that it displays some car status info (lights) but not other (doors/roof).

Odometer front is center in the power/speedo is like other cars, but I don't think that is needed. Can't think of a functional reason for that to be the location of odometer, other than familiarity with other cars(bad reason IMO). Odometer isn't really critical info, and shouldn't be displayed so prominently. Would much rather have a battery bar/range remaining display there. Odd decision to flip those two. I guess for most people they drive their 40 or so miles per day, and never need to look at the battery icon, so it isn't super critical for most situations. When it is important however, it is possibly the most important piece of data to display. For that reason I think it would be better in the center, and 2x as large as the new icon, for more detail (as it was before). Again, it is like other cars to have the fuel gauge outside of the speedo, but I don't see a reason to do that other than familiarity.

I miss the temp and time from the instrument cluster. Now I have to look further away (at the 17 inch screen) for that info. Which means my eyes are off the road for longer. Seems like they tried to maximize eye-on-road time, and eliminate non-essential info, but in their de-cluttering-things-that-weren't-cluttered, they had the opposite effect.

The new trip meter is nice. It has a real trip meter now, with timer, which is something I've wanted since I got the car. Between that and Since Last Charge displays I have all the info I need to accurately monitor my energy usage. The text is slightly larger and easier to read than the old trip meter. I feel like the windy road, clock and graph icons in the trip meter are unnecessary, as the numbers are labeled clearly. Remove those 3 icons, and there would be enough space for the A and B trip meters to return.

The energy app looks the worst of the IC displays. The large differently colored rectangle of the graph really standouts out in a bad way, especially when the rest of the new UI is so clean looking. It is nice they upped the size of the font for the average energy usage though.

Overall, this is the first update I feel like I lost some stuff. All other updates were just good additions. (Didn't feel this way about losing low suspension setting as that had a reason behind it.)
@trils0n wrote: "The big problem with those two top rows is that the background is always black! Looks like it is in night mode all the time, doesn't fit in day mode at all. "
I like that background shading change because it makes it much easier to read and understand what is displayed in that area. The increased contrast really helps. My wife noticed it immediately and said "Finally I can read the temperature number!"
My sig reply to the new V7 is meah!

Some improvements, some things worse, and many things randomly changed.

The contrast was decreased for both screens making things difficult to see in the sun with my old eyes. 50 year old eyes require about 3x the light that 20 year old eyes require. Wow!

+100 on the low contrast and lack of visibility in the sun. My daily commute is west/east so I have sun behind me both ways many days. I was convinced my car was stuck in night mode again (my light sensor has never behaved as I think it should). I was annoyed when realized this IS the day mode. Arrrgh. My least favorite aspect of V7.
I'm not going to complain about the UI. Just like any software update, it takes a little getting used to, but once you do, it ends up being better.

However, I am appalled that they removed the HVAC information. I was hoping they would ADD a "heater on" icon but now there's no info at all. I HATE that they did that. Please bring it back!!!!!

Also, I have zero hill hold now. Before 7.0, my hill hold would engage in my driveway. Now it doesn't at all. Did they remove hill hold altogether on non-AP cars, or is something wrong with my car?
In 2.5 years, I never looked at that battery icon once unless I was trying to push it. There's a big 'ole indicator right in front of your face. Don't even have to turn your head.

I'd much rather simplify the things that don't really "need" to be dynamic to save clock cycles for the things that do. I was really hoping that the UI would be a little snappier, but it seems to still be slightly laggy when pushing buttons.

Well, I'm not sure I'd call the minimized battery icon in the corner of the dash a "big 'ole indicator." If they want to replace the charging icon with a lightening bolt, then at least give us back our range display front and center on the IC.

But I'll adapt. The stubborn refusal to update accomplishes nothing. But perhaps the complaining here will...I certainly expect Tesla will, eventually, respond to some of our feedback. I'm just kinda shocked some of these silly choices were not fixed when this was in beta...or alpha for that matter.

I'm refusing the first update in 3 years of ownership. That should be saying something.
Also, I have zero hill hold now. Before 7.0, my hill hold would engage in my driveway. Now it doesn't at all. Did they remove hill hold altogether on non-AP cars, or is something wrong with my car?
This is the question I asked yesterday, and others said it remained. Your experience frightens me. Well, that may be an exaggeration. "Bothers me" may be more appropriate. I can drive a stick in hilly areas, so I can drive my MS without hill hold, but why? I have it now, and I don't want to lose it. Can others please chime in on their experience with this? Have others lost it too?

At this point, I am failing to see why I should bother with the "upgrade." I am thinking that there are some nice UI changes, but too many downsides. As of right now, my only impetus is to get rid of the annoying pop-up reminding me to install.