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Not better than Alan. He has .1 ms reaction time and super human driving skill. It’s all easy and simple to do.
Without training, my raw reaction time is more like 200ms-250ms. These are just pedestrian times.

This is far faster than anything yet demonstrated by FSD v12. And that's without any training, and it neglects the ability to anticipate, which helps humans even more.

Certainly in future, some version of FSD will be superhuman and completely unbeatable, but there is zero evidence of that when looking at pure reaction time, for now. Response time is something that will clearly improve in future even if there are other major limitations of AI which render autonomy impossible for the time being.

There are plenty of arguments to be made about how it's always aware, won't screw up, has eyes in all directions, etc., and those all have validity, but are not relevant to the discussion. Competent human still wins out; that is something we can all agree on! And a competent human with FSD Background Assist (which will always be a free feature!) may be completely unbeatable.

Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 11.48.35 AM.png

being a definite noticeable step in improvement.
It's definitely going to be a noticeable step in improvement, otherwise they would not release it.

The question is will it be 5x-10x better as would be expected based on the theory? That's the bar the end-to-end AI proponents have set for themselves. They won't be saying "well they have to learn how to get the big improvements in performance with retraining, that will take time, we'll have to wait for 12.5 or 12.6" - they won't engage in that sort of moving of the goal posts - end-to-end AI is the answer.
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The real question is, did the Mrs. catch you sneaking out late to do the software check?
She is accustomed to my nerdy shenanigans. She has lived through midnight releases of Xboxes, camera equipment, phones, and laptops, this falls somewhere between a half eye roll and he’s at it again message to her sister.
She is accustomed to my nerdy shenanigans. She has lived through midnight releases of Xboxes, camera equipment, phones, and laptops, this falls somewhere between a half eye roll and he’s at it again message to her sister.
I get the "OMG, are you really that much of a nerd?"
I have to reply with "Yes, you didn't know this already?"
This is far faster than anything yet demonstrated by FSD v12. And that's without any training, and it neglects the ability to anticipate, which helps humans even more.

Certainly in future, some version of FSD will be superhuman and completely unbeatable, but there is zero evidence of that when looking at pure reaction time, for now. Response time is something that will clearly improve in future even if there are other major limitations of AI which render autonomy impossible for the time being.
You know what beats the fastest reacting humans? Slow moving objects.
Why do you say it has no contextual awareness? FSD is trained on video clips that are long enough to provide context, and certainly takes the last ~30 seconds into account when making decisions. The occupancy network is persistent, providing at least short-term "memory" of objects and places the car previously saw but can't currently see.
That's next level stuff. V12 isn't aware of sign postings like no turn on red let alone retaining 30 secs of memory.
Don't you think the training data needed would be astronomic?

Tesla already has and uses astronomic amounts of training data. I’m not sure what you think would require it to be more astronomic than it already is? Granted it doesn’t yet know how to read no-right-on-red signs, but it will still make such turns safely, if not legally. Also note that by similar standards, 95% of human drivers don’t know how to read stop signs.
What elon says means that the FSD is planning about 1 to 5 seconds ahead based upon on what it sees. Just like humans. IF we had to see everything right in front of us, we would be driving into every pothole, but we don't. We see it ahead of time, and plan our route accordingly. If this were not the case, we would be ping pong-ing all the way between the lane markers, especially when making curves on a highway. Curves on highway was exactly what Blue Cruise had a ton of problems with.
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My software update button finally worked, but nothing there. I would suspect most will start getting it before Monday
Does the Batmobile give you a BIG nothing burger often there Batman? I bet your arch nemesis gottagofast won't get rejected when they now go fastly out to their gottagomobile and check (probably will report success as soon as I hit Post). It is all but assured they will be passing you by in the gottagomoble on 12.4.1 while the old Batmobile limps along on 12.3.6.

What elon says means that the FSD is planning about 1 to 5 seconds ahead based upon on what it sees. Just like humans. IF we had to see everything right in front of us, we would be driving into every pothole, but we don't. We see it ahead of time, and plan our route accordingly. If this were not the case, we would be ping pong-ing all the way between the lane markers, especially when making curves on a highway. Curves on highway was exactly what Blue Cruise had a ton of problems with.
My guess is that Elon means that it forms some kind of state of the physical world around the car, like a NERF and as it moves and some areas become occluded it remembers what it saw a while ago.
Why’s the latest USB stick we should use to increase sentry recording space? I’ve seen so many opinions for durability and extreme temperatures
What size also?

I would say it needs to be about the size of your smallest fingernail + the usb connector.

I suggest one that has USB 3.2 connectivity rating and 512GB or more capacity.

The higher the write speed rating the better. But if you are trying to save money anything over 400MB/s is OK for now. I've got a few on my wish list at 400 MB/s and one on the list at 600/MB/s watching the prices. I already have a drive in the 400MB/s range.

You can always buy a faster / higher capacity drive a few years from now.
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