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Wiki MASTER THREAD: Actual FSD Beta downloads and experiences

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Still haven't tested 10.4, as I've been away, and my bastard Plaid was in the shop getting half shafts replaced.


Hope to test that round-about sometime tomorrow, however. @EVNow
What is a 1/2 shaft why not just get the full one? Must be a WA thing, we go all the way in FL
Ok I'm confused. I've been reporting a poor experience with 10.4. Just now I had to go out for a 15mi drive. It's already dark out due to recent switch to Standard time. The roads are wet from al the rain we got today. There was fog. Tons of oak leaves all over the place. Just overall crappy visibility conditions. FSD was throwing warnings about occluded cameras and such.

And yet, this was my best drive yet. WTF. The car stayed to the right on the unmarked roads in my neighborhood. Interestingly, it visualized a double yellow line constantly (with lots of flicker). On 2 lane roads, it stayed centered in the lane. My last attempt in rain (but daytime) had the car crossing the double yellow frequently. Auto wipers worked perfectly (recent windshield replacement eliminated problems due to ceramic coating). No phantom braking at all. It did miss a left turn (signaled but never slowed, and I didn't want to slam on the brake because someone was right behind me). I was extremely vigilant, given I could barely see the lane markings, but this was the most comfortable I felt with FSD since upgrading to 10.4.
My wife is adamant that driving in rainy and dark conditions are when she trusts FSD beta the most. I got to wondering why that might be true. There could be a technical reason that, for example there is less visual "noise" when it's dark/rainy and FSD beta may not be as distracted. Or it could be psychological on the part of the human driver. The human driver is also processing less visual information under these conditions and he or she's perception of the environment is reduced to roughly what FSD beta sees.
Got a reporting question. Is there any place that details how stuff gets reported? Or is it all anecdotal? Obviously a clip is sent when I hit the button which btw I find a stretch and often miss it. What about wrenching it out of FSD with the steering or the brake pedal? Should I hit the button for those? It's a bit harder as I am typically really concentrating on things or else I wouldn't be forcing it out. I've also seen a couple times people suggesting that we should use the steering wheel / bug reporting mechanism. Any verification of that?

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Last night I had a drive in pouring rain - quite different from the "drizzle" we normally get here.

For the first time - FSD just couldn't handle the drive. It kept getting confused about lanes, kept giving warning about poor weather conditions ... and I finally gave up and drove on my own. First time this has happened to me in over 2 years - I've always been able to use AP even in pouring rain at night.

This morning - again in heavy rain - the car gave waring of "Full Self Driving may be degraded" and actually turned into AP ! It stopped at the stop sign and wouldn't go until I pressed the accelerator. Till now I have been getting these weather warnings, but FSD has never "degraded" to AP.
Same thing happened to me on Thursday night, in not very heavy rain. It turned into plain old AP. It changed back a few minutes later--I guess the rain had let up enough, but by then I was going up a winding mountain road in NC, and FSD Beta is not worth using on it. (I know, I tried once.)
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I got back a short while ago from a 650 mile round trip to Sedona, AZ. About 90% of the route was 2 lane rural highway; I used the FSD beta 10.4 about 50-60% of the time. There's a beautiful section of AZ89A south of Flagstaff - Oak Creek Canyon, mountainous and twisty. I drove that part, no way was I going to let FSD have all the fun. Otherwse, my impressions:

1. As the road is mostly 2 lane, there are passing lanes every few miles. Every single time, as the pavement transitions from 1 lane to 2, FSD centers on the lane dividing line, then lurches into the fast (passing) lane. It doesn't understand to use the slow lane unless passing. Otherwise it handles the transitions back to single lane well.

2. Before I joined the beta program, i rarely experienced phantom braking. With FSD, and vision only, phantom braking was quite frequent, to the point that if I was followed by a car, I'd need to turn off FSD in order to avoid repeatedly brake-checking the guy.

3. The phantom braking would occur even on straight, level stretches with no one around at all. I suspect this is due to vision not being able to discriminate between shadows or discolorations on the pavement and real obstacles, or particularly, pavement crack sealant. I do wish radar was still being used, would cut down a lot on that I think.

4. FSD did really well in bumper-to-bumper heavy traffic in downtown Sedona. Not really too challenging I guess, its just following the car in front. But it was my first experience doing that.

5. As well, i was impressed how well FSD performed on rural rollers - 2 lane roads with curves and ups/downs. It really did a good job predicting curves on the other sides of crests, where even I could not see the road surface.

6. The sheep detection algorithm needs work. Would have been a mess o' mutton if I hadn't taken over.

Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 7.51.47 PM.png
Could be because we have unusually heavy rains in WA now ...
I get that, I'm in WA too. It's just that last week we had just as heavy rain at times down here at the southern end, for a time at least. I specifically went out and tested beta in the heavier rain just to try it. It used to be I could get the NOA not available and Beta would still work. With 10.4 if I get the NOA unavailable for weather I also get the FSD unavailable too.
Yes - this has been happening since we all got beta.

One annoying thing though is the car comes back to center of the lane too soon ( technically the opposite vehicle would have passed, but looks like the car starts returning when I can still see the other vehicle next to me). It needs to wait a second for a second after the car has passed.
My vehicle doesn't ride in the center of the lane at all. It rides the center-line and even crosses it occasionally on winding roads.
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had good/bad mini drive yesterday.
We went through a 4-way that it handled really well with no stuttering or overlong pauses.- yay!
Of course then it hit an inactive school zone and insisted the speed limit was now 25 not 35 - boo!
Next was a traffic light we had to turn right at. Light turned green and it slowed down properly then executed a really good right turn, (yay!) then slowed to crawl for no reason before speeding up.(boo!)
A short way down the road is a retired 4-way stop that was removed a few weeks ago. The car slowed down as if it was stopping but couldn't find the stop sign so just drove really slowly
That was followed by another old 4-way that has been replaced by traffic lights - I guess because there is something to detect it handled that much better. This one turned green just as the car was slowing down - it smoothly sped up and worked as expected. - yay!
One more protected left at a light was handled really well - but the last bit is an unprotected left with a dedicated turn lane into a driveway.
Car turns into the lane still doing 40mph (the lane is pretty short) then it signals and tried to take the turn without slowing down, it kinda made it but we were still doing 35 in a short driveway - emergency stop, reset heart rate and press the snapshot button :)
So, short 3 mile drive with some good, some not so good, some please try harder.
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Question to community: Other than sending an email to FSD beta address, is there a way to “opt out” of 10.4 and get the latest production firmware as a replacement? I thought there was a toggle in the UI, but perhaps that was just for the safety score. Anyone know?

Rationale for the above:

1) Change/improvement has been so small for me the last three releases;
2) Would enjoy production firmware (2021.40.5.1) features more then beta FSD right now, such as active road noise reduction ("ARNR")- more useful (to me, anyways)
3) 10.x series releases are hard on my Plaid's steering and braking components.... And I just had my half shafts replaced due to that vibration issue
4) Large efficiency hit using beta FSD, when combined with the cold and rain here
5) I can always opt back in, at any time, per the reply I received from Tesla betafsd team (see below)

"Hello Xxxx,

FSD Beta 10.4 will be removed from your vehicle shortly. To ensure you do not receive future Beta updates, please go to the Autopilot UI and select Controls > Autopilot > Request Full Self-Driving Beta, which will trigger a pop-up which will then present you with the Opt-Out button. You can opt back into the FSD Beta queue at any time by selecting the Request Full Self-Driving button.

-FSD Team"
You can opt back into the FSD Beta queue at any time by selecting the Request Full Self-Driving button.
Sounds like you’ll have to do the whole safety score thing again, though. I emphasized the word “queue” from Tesla’s message, so it reads to me like you wouldn’t get the FSD beta release right after option back in. You may need to drive like a granny for 100 miles to get the minimum score (99 or whatever the threshold is these days) then wait till they take notice and push FSD to you again.
Sounds like you’ll have to do the whole safety score thing again, though. I emphasized the word “queue” from Tesla’s message, so it reads to me like you wouldn’t get the FSD beta release right after option back in. You may need to drive like a granny for 100 miles to get the minimum score (99 or whatever the threshold is these days) then wait till they take notice and push FSD to you again.
Right, one night time highway AP drive >= 100 miles, at worst.
We had .25 mile or less fog here in Menlo Park this morning, car wasn’t having ANY of it and wouldn’t even engage FSD. I was only able to get an engagement during a 1 mile straight area where there was some more frequent and intense street lighting, MAYBE there was a combo of Vision AND mapping data, but once I got past that area I was back to not being able to engage. Interesting corner case. I’ve had some experience in the high deserts east of Flagstaff AZ (not in the Tesla mind you) where the morning fog was so thick even at 9 or 10 am, that on a highway I was going 25 mph and passing cars going 15 mph and spending SIGNIFICANT mental and visual resources to keep moving at all. I can’t imagine what Vision would do without Lidar, or some IR based optical capability. Would it be worse or better than a human in that situation?
Got a reporting question. Is there any place that details how stuff gets reported? Or is it all anecdotal? Obviously a clip is sent when I hit the button which btw I find a stretch and often miss it. What about wrenching it out of FSD with the steering or the brake pedal? Should I hit the button for those? It's a bit harder as I am typically really concentrating on things or else I wouldn't be forcing it out. I've also seen a couple times people suggesting that we should use the steering wheel / bug reporting mechanism. Any verification of that?

The 'report bug' voice command doesn't send anything to Tesla. It stores it locally in your car, which Tesla can retrieve next time you have a service appointment (I'm also under the impression you'd have to tell them you've added some 'bug reports', don't think they automatically check and pull the 'reports').

As for FSD reporting, I've read some of the OG Beta testers mention on Twitter that they were told by the Tesla FSD team:
  1. If you disengage FSD, it will capture data and send it to Tesla.
  2. As a follow up to #1 above, I've read that it's also based on certain parameters where they get auto sent. It's not with every disengagement.
  3. Disengagements are GOOD for the FSD team to learn about where it's failing so they can address it.
  4. Video button: this is the best and guaranteed method for reporting issues to the FSD team. Whenever I press the button and am back home, connected to WiFi, I can see my car uploading a bunch of data.
I haven't seen any specifics of how much video and telemetry data is captured when hitting the video button but I'm guessing it's similar to when you hit the dash cam button, i.e., records the last 5 mins before you pressed the button and the next few mins after button press.

I'd recommend (and what I do) is to hit the video button regardless if I disengage or not. This helps the FSD team. Now, I only hit the video button for serious offenses / errors, but every once in a while I will hit the video button for something as minor as when the car chooses the wrong lane when coming up to a red light.

For example, I've seen one of the OG testers (DirtyTesla) hit the video button for serious errors as well as when it stops several feet before the stop line at a 4-way stop or red light.
3. The phantom braking would occur even on straight, level stretches with no one around at all. I suspect this is due to vision not being able to discriminate between shadows or discolorations on the pavement and real obstacles, or particularly, pavement crack sealant. I do wish radar was still being used, would cut down a lot on that I think.
I remember seeing someone post (think it was on Twitter or Reddit) that they firmly believe this occurred to them bc Tesla Vision isn't able to predict speed far out in the distance on straight roads. He said he could reliably reproduce it on a road trip where he was driving in similar areas as you (in the desert with long straight roads). What you experienced sounded exactly like what he experienced.
The 'report bug' voice command doesn't send anything to Tesla. It stores it locally in your car, which Tesla can retrieve next time you have a service appointment (I'm also under the impression you'd have to tell them you've added some 'bug reports', don't think they automatically check and pull the 'reports').
Wait! BUG report doesn’t go ANYWHERE? It stays in the car till the next service appt? A) that doesn’t make sense but more so B) S..t, I’ve been sending bug reports for years with problems with mapping, where a road is missing, or an intersection update is missing or incorrect, or the directions were wrong, or other things related to the car, like crashes in the UI that were reproducible, eTc. If it’s correct that it doesn’t go anywhere or DO anything really then what a complete wasted of time, and opportunity.