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Yeah this one. Not exact i guess. But the same cropped out header...

If it's real, posting the @tesla.com should not constitute fraud or libel.
Jumping back in here to defend the fact that I'm a real person (not sure why).
I posted the initial screenshot from Tesla - the screenshot was from my phone. I have attached below a complete screenshot redacting my email address for my privacy.
Clearly it's a generic email Tesla has been told to send out, because my SA didn't even bother putting his name/email sig at the bottom.
I hope this helps to prove I'm not a Tesla bot here to troll you.
Beep. I mean, thanks.
Its a crazy time for all car makers. Its unfortunate the issues in China at the moment. Its not only cars just about any consumer item is in short supply even brand name washing machines. We have moved from a world where you could buy on the spot to on demand. I could not recently buy an iPad from apple as they had nothing in stock. Lucky Amazon had stock and even then I was on a list for a week until it could be sent out.
Looking on the bright side if our orders slip from June to Q3 and Labour win the election, some of us may work out a way to benefit from the new FBT rules which are promised from July.

I’d prefer my new car in June though.

For the record ordered 17/1, received one call from my SA a few days later and total silence since.
What's curious is why some of us haven't received a call or email as yet?

I'm doubtful it's a case of no news is good news, more that the SA haven't had time or potentially just haven't bothered.

Maybe there's a trend with some specific parts? Mines just a RWD, White, black, 18, No FSD.

Pretty disappointing If it's delayed..
The only silver lining is if theres any feature changes we might get them

Supposed we could also loose things if Tesla decide to remove them.. Maybe they'll decide usage on the reverse drive was super low too 😂
What's curious is why some of us haven't received a call or email as yet?

I'm doubtful it's a case of no news is good news, more that the SA haven't had time or potentially just haven't bothered.

Maybe there's a trend with some specific parts? Mines just a RWD, White, black, 18, No FSD.

Pretty disappointing If it's delayed..
The only silver lining is if theres any feature changes we might get them

Supposed we could also loose things if Tesla decide to remove them.. Maybe they'll decide usage on the reverse drive was super low too 😂
That's what I'm suspecting as well.

Two possibilities: SA's distributing the information slowly couldn't get to everyone so far etc, or it's only a delay for Performance/LR models or similar.
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I just got my call. Order in Melbourne mid-Jan. SA confirmed no cars this quarter and my order will be delivered in the second half of this year. I pushed whether that means Q3, he said the exact wording he's been given is second half of the year.

He mentioned my timeframe should update in the app, moving from 14-20 weeks to 6-9 months.

I wished him luck with the rest of his calls. He said he has 75 more to go.
Some SAs are lazy/slower/on leave/have a LOT more customers to get through. No way every waiting customer in Oz would get the call the same day/week.

For my part (no call yet) I ordered 24.11.21 (M3LR,black,white), and I'm fairly fuming with Tesla.

Shanghi lockdown I understand, but I should have got my car Q1, but for their failed production quantity control. Then for them to say yeah, no cars for Oz, even those that missed Q1. It's not like they didn't make any cars in April; they made a lot!

I know there's nothing to do, I'll wait like everyone else. I won't rage at the SA as we all know they know and have about as much control as us; but Tesla as a company have left a REAL bad taste in my mouth.
When you think about it 6-9 months is only 1-3 months more than 14-20 weeks (which is really 3-5 months if you don't market it as weeks).

For me, even it being delivered mid-late June would be 6-9 months. Sounds like it wont be delivered mid-late June however, despite my email yesterday morning saying Mid June.


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The difference is though that other car makers have been quoting you 6 - 12 months and delivering in the timeframes or being very upfront if there is a further delay. Tesla has been telling people 8-12 weeks and 14-16 weeks and 3 - 6 months depending on when you ordered and not delivering, with SAs telling people it will be next month, then the next month, with what turns out to be not based in fact, just leading people on. I have 4 emails now where they have dangled the carrot of the car being only weeks to a month away. I can at least commend them about getting on the front foot this time and calling to inform the bad news, although like the rest of the empty uninformed promises, take a Q3 delivery with a grain of salt. It's been pretty annoying Tesla Aus blaming covid shutdown for cars not delivered that were ordered in November/December with a 8-12 week wait. And not delivered the next quarter.

They need to get their communication sorted between ordering, production, shipping and delivery to be transparent to move to the next tier of being a trusted mainstream car company, and not just the quirky new kid on the block who the true believers would never find a fault with. It's a company quickly running out of true believers who'll put up with it.

A few on here, me included, who at the time didn't know how untrustworthy the company was when it came to actually giving you solid information, sold their existing cars when just a week or two away from their impending delivery which never arrived. And there is not many people on here. Can only imagine how many of the normal people are faring just relying on tesla info, not telsa nerds searching shipping movements and forklift delivery times haha.

I, as well as my friends who were thinking of getting a tesla after I got one, am happy I discouraged them into something else until Tesla gets their customer service in order. Their cars are delivered already (or bought off car yard lot) and are enjoying them.

In any case I'm lucky enough to have other cars to get me around, but there are others on here not so lucky.
Some SAs are lazy/slower/on leave/have a LOT more customers to get through. No way every waiting customer in Oz would get the call the same day/week.

For my part (no call yet) I ordered 24.11.21 (M3LR,black,white), and I'm fairly fuming with Tesla.

Shanghi lockdown I understand, but I should have got my car Q1, but for their failed production quantity control. Then for them to say yeah, no cars for Oz, even those that missed Q1. It's not like they didn't make any cars in April; they made a lot!

I know there's nothing to do, I'll wait like everyone else. I won't rage at the SA as we all know they know and have about as much control as us; but Tesla as a company have left a REAL bad taste in my mouth.
Agree. A 3 week lockdown where they didn’t produce cars should have only delayed our cars 3 weeks. Not delayed from a may delivery to a September delivery. What absolute rubbish. And you ordered yours in November was well before any delays due to Russia or COVID
The difference is though that other car makers have been quoting you 6 - 12 months and delivering in the timeframes or being very upfront if there is a further delay. Tesla has been telling people 8-12 weeks and 14-16 weeks and 3 - 6 months depending on when you ordered and not delivering, with SAs telling people it will be next month, then the next month, with what turns out to be not based in fact, just leading people on. I have 4 emails now where they have dangled the carrot of the car being only weeks to a month away. I can at least commend them about getting on the front foot this time and calling to inform the bad news, although like the rest of the empty uninformed promises, take a Q3 delivery with a grain of salt. It's been pretty annoying Tesla Aus blaming covid shutdown for cars not delivered that were ordered in November/December with a 8-12 week wait. And not delivered the next quarter.

They need to get their communication sorted between ordering, production, shipping and delivery to be transparent to move to the next tier of being a trusted mainstream car company, and not just the quirky new kid on the block who the true believers would never find a fault with. It's a company quickly running out of true believers who'll put up with it.

A few on here, me included, who at the time didn't know how untrustworthy the company was when it came to actually giving you solid information, sold their existing cars when just a week or two away from their impending delivery which never arrived. And there is not many people on here. Can only imagine how many of the normal people are faring just relying on tesla info, not telsa nerds searching shipping movements and forklift delivery times haha.

I, as well as my friends who were thinking of getting a tesla after I got one, am happy I discouraged them into something else until Tesla gets their customer service in order. Their cars are delivered already (or bought off car yard lot) and are enjoying them.

In any case I'm lucky enough to have other cars to get me around, but there are others on here not so lucky.
Yes a 3 week lockdown where they didn’t produce cars should have only delayed our cars by 3 weeks not months
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As the “earliest orderer” to my knowledge, I am getting increasingly pissed off.
Since I ordered my car on 06/11/2021, basically every month I have received the news that it will be delayed another month (or more).
The only real manufacting delay in that time was the three week shutdown, yet here I am still looking at possibly a 14+ week for my car.
This will be only my second brand new car in 45+ years of driving, the first being 1981 Datsun Bluebird, so I have been dealing looking forward to taking delivery.
As someone else said, the car is great, but the company leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
As the “earliest orderer” to my knowledge, I am getting increasingly pissed off.
Since I ordered my car on 06/11/2021, basically every month I have received the news that it will be delayed another month (or more).
The only real manufacting delay in that time was the three week shutdown, yet here I am still looking at possibly a 14+ week for my car.
This will be only my second brand new car in 45+ years of driving, the first being 1981 Datsun Bluebird, so I have been dealing looking forward to taking delivery.
As someone else said, the car is great, but the company leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Yep that’s terrible. You should have had your car in the Feb shipment at the latest.
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As the “earliest orderer” to my knowledge, I am getting increasingly pissed off.
Since I ordered my car on 06/11/2021, basically every month I have received the news that it will be delayed another month (or more).
The only real manufacting delay in that time was the three week shutdown, yet here I am still looking at possibly a 14+ week for my car.
This will be only my second brand new car in 45+ years of driving, the first being 1981 Datsun Bluebird, so I have been dealing looking forward to taking delivery.
As someone else said, the car is great, but the company leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I truly symphatise with you @old_geez, your order date is one of the earliest still waiting for delivery. When I placed by order back in early Dec 2021, I used to look at every Tesla I spot on the road and admiring them, eagerly anticipating the arrival of mine which was promised to be within 8-12 weeks. Now, when I see a Tesla on the road it seems to leave that bad taste in my mouth, not so much the car but more the company who has broken multiple promises to deliver.
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can all of us send a 1 like generic tweet to elon?
“where’s our aussie car production?” is he gets flooded with 50 of the exact same tweet, he might just see it🤣
I would prefer we lobby him for ventilated seats or a second screen. Make the most of that extended wait. I would happily wait another 2-3 months if it meant getting those!
I truly symphatise with you @old_geez, your order date is one of the earliest still waiting for delivery. When I placed by order back in early Dec 2021, I used to look at every Tesla I spot on the road and admiring them, eagerly anticipating the arrival of mine which was promised to be within 8-12 weeks. Now, when I see a Tesla on the road it seems to leave that bad taste in my mouth, not so much the car but more the company who has broken multiple promises to deliver.
I'm exactly the same. I've lost my love for it. If I could guarantee I could get a Polestar before my Model 3 LR turns up, I'd probably jump ships now.
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