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FSD rewrite will go out on Oct 20 to limited beta

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I would love to see some full unedited drives with the FSD Beta to better gauge the performance. We get unedited rides for Waymo, Cruise and others. So far, I am seeing mostly little clips of 30 seconds to 1 minute that just show one thing. So it is tightly edited. Let's see FSD beta for a long unedited ride. I think it would be more informative. I am excited for FSD. I want to see more.
I would love to see some full unedited drives with the FSD Beta to better gauge the performance. We get unedited rides for Waymo, Cruise and others. So far, I am seeing mostly little clips of 30 seconds to 1 minute that just show one thing. So it is tightly edited. Let's see FSD beta for a long unedited ride. I think it would be more informative. I am excited for FSD. I want to see more.
It sure seems like a viral marketing campaign. I want to see fail videos! Those were the best part of Smart Summon (Tesla's previous most viral feature ever: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1178818555061493761)
Cruise and Waymo videos are super boring. The only good one is the crazy San Francisco maneuvers from Cruise.
I would love to see some full unedited drives with the FSD Beta to better gauge the performance. We get unedited rides for Waymo, Cruise and others. So far, I am seeing mostly little clips of 30 seconds to 1 minute that just show one thing. So it is tightly edited. Let's see FSD beta for a long unedited ride. I think it would be more informative. I am excited for FSD. I want to see more.

I would love to see longer videos also. I’m sure they’re coming.
I don’t know a lot about Waymo, but are they planning to move their success into other cities across the US, Canada and Europe soon ?
According to John, who's been posting the videos on Tesla Owners SV, the car goes back to normal NoA once it enters the freeway. The new FSD beta visualizations change back to the normal NoA visualizations once on highway / freeway.

I think it's going to take Tesla some time to polish up everything into an unified approach, probably 6-9 months.

Edit: back in April when Tesla released automatic stops at traffic controls, I was surprised at the progress, so I predicted city NoA would be released in October. I guess I was kinda right :p

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 8.03.02 PM.png
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"Over the last two years, Apple’s cars have driven over 80,000 miles in autonomous mode, while drivers took back control of the vehicle only every 1.1 miles driven on average. Increasingly competitive, this driver intervention rate now stands nearly neck and neck with Mercedes-Benz’s human intervention rate of 1.5 miles, and Toyota’s somewhat higher reported average of 2.5 miles." from abundance360.com newsletter.

Any guess what Tesla's intervention rate is with this FSD beta?
"Over the last two years, Apple’s cars have driven over 80,000 miles in autonomous mode, while drivers took back control of the vehicle only every 1.1 miles driven on average. Increasingly competitive, this driver intervention rate now stands nearly neck and neck with Mercedes-Benz’s human intervention rate of 1.5 miles, and Toyota’s somewhat higher reported average of 2.5 miles." from abundance360.com newsletter.

Any guess what Tesla's intervention rate is with this FSD beta?
Why did they choose those three companies? Many other companies are reporting far lower disengagement rates.
I would take a wild guess about once a mile around here in San Diego. It's really hard to compare since you have no idea if those companies were trying to test difficult situations or not.
a 10k option... i doubt many will pay for that. Also, why would anyone want to upgrade there existing tesla with fsd to a new one if it puts you 10k in the hole off the bat...
I think a per hour subscription model makes the most sense. Especially since it's likely that the manufacturer will be liable for failures of the system once it becomes autonomous. I'd be happy to pay $5 an hour for the car to drive me around.
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Sure, it looks like a good start. I suspect their are many situations a driver might confront that it cannot deal with automatically yet though. So the car is not yet have "automatic driving." I would say it definitely has autosteer on city streets though.
A L3 car is far closer to L4 than it is to L2. Neither L3 not L4 require monitoring. I'm not sure what situation you're imagining that a L3 vehicle would not be required to handle.

There will always be situations that the car cannot handle unless we're talking level 5. So, if your idea of Automatic Driving is level 5, then you'll be waiting a long time. Automatic driving in the most realistic sense to me, is getting from point A to B without having to touch the controls at all or very little. If in 17 miles of city / highway driving I needed to touch the controls only once or twice, that to me qualifies as automatic driving. Is it L4 or 5? No, but the car did the majority of driving on its own. L3 would mean I can relax even more, but must stay alert. How close an L3 car is to L4 would depend on how advanced the automation is. The less interventions that are needed as time progresses, the closer it is, but it's not a given. Remember, an L4 car needs no interventions whatsoever. That's a big jump.

As for autosteer / automatic driving comparison. We're past that. It's clear as day that FSD is aiming for at least L3 which is automatic driving in my book. It is the only realistic advanced automation level that's within reach sooner than later, and that can cover the largest area of the country. If the robotaxi service becomes a reality, from what I can see, it will very likely be an L4 geofenced service similar to what Waymo has.
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Seems to do a good job of detecting a person walking out into the street:

Glad to see it was staged. Legitimately shocked me when that dude just walked out from behind the bushes when I first saw it, which had me cussing him out in my head as an idiot because that’s happened to me a few times in my life: some moron sprints out from behind a blind of some sort (bush, parked van/truck) into the street without looking, forcing me to slam on my brakes to avoid killing the idiot. Good to see the Tesla slam on the brakes there.