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Wiki Model S Delivery Update

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@kvietor - congrats! Love your Sig red/white leather.... thats how my car is configured as well! Are you thinking about treating the white leather for stain resistance? I talked with a high end local detailer and he said they have some very good products but need to see my car before recommending a specific product. Enjoy!
The UMC comes with a 14-50 and a 120v plug. They told me that they would loan me a 6-50 until the HPWC could be shipped from Solar City.

Under the charging section of Model S on TM's website, they specify a 14-50. That implies that it comes w/ a 14-50.
You must be thinking of the Roadster. The Roadster UMC came w/ a 14-50 and yoiu hahd to buy any others. Model S says:
Charging Model S | Tesla Motors
The standard outlet adapter comes with your Model S. Your Delivery Experience Specialist will offer you a choice of 240 volt outlet adapters when you take delivery. If you plan to install a new outlet in your garage, we recommend the NEMA 14-50.
That means that you get the 120V (standard outlet) adapter and one 240V adapter of your choice. Now if they're only making 14-50's now then that's a different story but per the website you get to pick whatever adapter you want.
Doug, I asked if the US P production would be delayed until the Canadian Sigs are built and he said no, the Canadian Sigs will be built later in the year. He wasn't more specific than that and I didn't press it. Might want to call yourself and ask.

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@kvietor - congrats! Love your Sig red/white leather.... thats how my car is configured as well! Are you thinking about treating the white leather for stain resistance? I talked with a high end local detailer and he said they have some very good products but need to see my car before recommending a specific product. Enjoy!

I might do that. Need to read the manual and see if it is already treated and with what. But that's not a bad idea.
Doug, I asked if the US P production would be delayed until the Canadian Sigs are built and he said no, the Canadian Sigs will be built later in the year. He wasn't more specific than that and I didn't press it. Might want to call yourself and ask.

:cursing: That would be extremely disappointing. What's the fraking point of spending extra for a Signature reservation if we end up at the back of the bus??? That would make it completely worthless. If that is actually true, and they don't have a damned good explanation, then I'll be very pissed.
@Doug_G - When I was booked in at S163 I was told they were still on track for Canadian Signatures for November/December. Based on the recent investor calls I am expecting to see mine in December which is okay with me if the US Signature holders work through the kinks in manufacturing on their builds. :p
:cursing: That would be extremely disappointing. What's the fraking point of spending extra for a Signature reservation if we end up at the back of the bus??? That would make it completely worthless. If that is actually true, and they don't have a damned good explanation, then I'll be very pissed.
I'd heard several times Canada was going to be 3 months behind, so I was assuming Canadian Sigs would be January-ish at this point.
:cursing: That would be extremely disappointing. What's the fraking point of spending extra for a Signature reservation if we end up at the back of the bus??? That would make it completely worthless. If that is actually true, and they don't have a damned good explanation, then I'll be very pissed.

+1. There is no reason why Canadian production would be delayed, particularly when George B was referencing the first 1200 cars being NA Signatures.

- - - Updated - - -

I'd heard several times Canada was going to be 3 months behind, so I was assuming Canadian Sigs would be January-ish at this point.

Yes and no. Several times Tesla has stated Canadian cars would be delivered 3 months after the beginning of US cars. At one point they were saying US Signatures starting in July, Canadian cars in October. This obviously was slightly delayed. They have continued to state November/December, even last week. US P's won't be "delayed" because they were always going to be produced after 1200 North American Signatures.
:cursing: That would be extremely disappointing. What's the fraking point of spending extra for a Signature reservation if we end up at the back of the bus??? That would make it completely worthless. If that is actually true, and they don't have a damned good explanation, then I'll be very pissed.

+2 It makes no sense that US P's would be delivered before North American(CND) Sigs. OK... maybe some P's will be delivered at the same time but not ALL
I'm sure TM would never do this especially to Roadster owners.
+2 It makes no sense that US P's would be delivered before North American(CND) Sigs. OK... maybe some P's will be delivered at the same time but not ALL
I'm sure TM would never do this especially to Roadster owners.
Yeah, I think it's bad info. Why wouldn't they finish out the sigs so they could turn down the Sig Red paint setup? Also, we're talking like 2 weeks of production to just knock out the CDN Sigs. Unless something went really sideways in the homologation process, I'm sure they'll just crank out 1200 NA Sigs and then move to R's.
Yeah, I think it's bad info. Why wouldn't they finish out the sigs so they could turn down the Sig Red paint setup? Also, we're talking like 2 weeks of production to just knock out the CDN Sigs. Unless something went really sideways in the homologation process, I'm sure they'll just crank out 1200 NA Sigs and then move to R's.

Totally agree. It also makes sense that they'd do as many 85 kWh packs as they can possibly get away with before expanding production to the other sized packs.
Yeah, I think it's bad info. Why wouldn't they finish out the sigs so they could turn down the Sig Red paint setup? Also, we're talking like 2 weeks of production to just knock out the CDN Sigs. Unless something went really sideways in the homologation process, I'm sure they'll just crank out 1200 NA Sigs and then move to R's.
I agree -- the only wild card is homologation. If Tesla's got the green light to ship cars to Canada, then I'd expect to see Signature deliveries there in the next four-to-six weeks, on the heels of the U.S. Sigs. If, on the other hand, there's any hold-up in getting approvals to ship to Canada, I expect that Tesla will keep shipping US cars, to general production reservation holders.
:cursing: That would be extremely disappointing. What's the fraking point of spending extra for a Signature reservation if we end up at the back of the bus??? That would make it completely worthless. If that is actually true, and they don't have a damned good explanation, then I'll be very pissed.

This was a large part of the reason why I downgraded from sig. I started thinking I'd be lucky if the CAD sigs were shipping before the US R/P's. However, us CAD P's haven't even had finalize e-mails yet, so you're well ahead of us. (I'm sure Tesla is holding CAD P's off as long as possible to have you guys feel you get you didn't get ripped off).

That said there has been a lot of 1200 NA sigs first, but I don't think I started reading this until after I downgraded.