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New FSD beta testers (June 2022) - First experiences

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This is a serious issue. Adjusting speed (right dial down to slow, up to accelerate) is one of the few tools you have to control fsd along with canceling lane changes, forcing lane changes or just plain disengaging.

I use my scroll wheel all the time to push speed up or down from the posted speed (I have it set at the posted speed). When I turn onto a road with the same speed limit, it keeps any speed it has been adjusted to. If you aren't recording your drives with a camera that shows the screen, it can be helpful to do so, to verify if speed changes have been made and what they are. You might find there are interruptions in fsdb that reset speed and drop any adjustment - explaining part of what you are seeing.

All speed changes with the scroll wheel seem slow to realize.


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Which makes my point. If you set your expectations on random stuff you see on YouTube (and Chris seems to be going down the "click bait" route more and more these days) then of course you are going to be disappointed.

The point is the OP was implying that FSD beta should have been better than he found it. If that was based on official Tesla information, then he has a right to be disappointed and complain, but if he just based his expectations on 3rd party information (or even his own wishes), then what was wrong wasn't FSD beta but his inflated expectations.
So the CEO’s statements and promises are “third hand” information now?

Ok. 😂😂
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Oh it needs to 100 miles using autosteer? Ahh not quite but close. I should have opted in on my previous road trip, 3700 miles lol. I didn’t want to have Beta without being in a familiar area although it seems like it still behaves like EAP on highways right?
it Is nearly the same on freeways as EAP. I’ve noticed two differences: 1) when it sees a speed limit sign it will change the desired speed to the limit speed (I presume with any offset you’ve set.) 2) On my commute there is a freeway-to-freeway exit where it would shut off NoAP, warning of an “unsupported maneuver “. Now it just goes for it…and screws it up every time. It’s a very sharp cloverleaf with no visibility at the end.
If a road doesn't have a speed limit does the car default to the speed limit of the road you turned off of?
Somehow when running in FSD I see speed limits assigned for roads that have none posted. My driveway, for example has displayed at 25 mph. Possibly you are right and that was inherited from my local street, which has no posted limit but FSD calls 25. But that was NOT inherited, as the next road up the stack displays at 20 mph, which is in fact the posted limit.

In sum, I think it has some limits from a mapping database, reads some signs (but not all), and does some inheritance, but the details sometimes puzzle me. The sign reading actually gets errors here, where it spots a 45 mph limit on a frontage road and supplies it to me when I'm on the 65 mph urban Interstate. There are at least two locations here in Albuquerque where that happens reliably.
If a road doesn't have a speed limit does the car default to the speed limit of the road you turned off of?
From my testing, there seems to be some defaults depending on your location, but I haven't been able to determine a hard rule. In cities, 30 mph seems to often be the default until a speed limit sign is read. But, in some rural areas, I've turned onto one highway from another and had the car slow down to 25 mph despite an upcoming sign posting 55 mph.

Cities often have ordinances that establish a default speed limit when none may be posted. It's possible that the car has these, and other areas, in a database.
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If a road doesn't have a speed limit does the car default to the speed limit of the road you turned off of?
Turning into my neighborhood, it thinks the speed limit is 45 for the first 150 feet or so, then adjusts down to 25. So I think it will change to a lower speed but it seems to take a minute to figure it out. Makes for some crazy acceleration/braking unless I dial the speed down before the turn.
I haven't seen any official statement on this, but the general opinion seems to be that even with FSD Beta, when the car is on the freeway it is using the same Navigate on Autopilot as a non-Beta car. It certainly switches to the NoAP visualizer. I've seen two different situations though, where the behavior is different now.

First, on my regular work commute there is one cloverleaf freeway interchange that is extremely tight. Previously, when I got near it I would get a message like "Navigation Ends in 500 feet. Unsupported maneuver." It would disengage navigation, I'd take the exit, then reengage on the new freeway. Now, it doesn't disengage, but attempts-* the exit itself. Note that it doesn't switch to Beta mode, at least, the visualizer does not change.

Secondly, now when there is a speed limit change it automatically changes the target speed to the new speed limit. Previously, I'd see it detect the road speed limit, but would have to change the target speed myself. I confirmed that this morning while I have a loaner M3 while Service has mine. It behaves as I remember mine doing pre-Beta: the speed change must be done by the driver.

* - I put "attempts" because I always have to prevent it from finishing the merge. The cloverleaf ends at a merge lane that lets you get back to speed then join traffic. It always tries to clip the apex of the entrance, skipping the merge lane, and driving straight into the traffic lane, seeming oblivious to the traffic about to mow over it. This is always during the morning commute. If I'm ever headed that way when there isn't a boatload of oncoming traffic I'll let it finish it's maneuver and see just what it does.
Following up on the cloverleaf merge: As I feared, it dives straight across the merge lane and into the traffic lane 🙀. "FSD Beta: The high-tech alternative to coffee in the morning."
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Just thought I'd follow up here again, now that it's been a few weeks! I've gotten a little more used to the most common mistakes it will make, and I'm enjoying the experience more and more. I almost always at least try using it on every drive, unless I know a particular drive segment is going to be really terrible based on past experience, or I'm too distracted to be testing.

I continue to be impressed by how well it works most of the time. I haven't had any strikes yet, or even come close to it. At least for me in my car: if you're vigilant with your eyes scanning the road, steering wheel nags are pretty minimal and easy to catch (I do tend to get steering wheel nags, because I habitually use zero force on the wheel and just sense the car through it, until I need to provide real input).

It has done a few dangerous things, but nothing I couldn't correct. I tend to let situations play out as long as I safely can just to see what it ends up doing. Sometimes things that look really fishy initially, it eventually will recover from without intervention and continue the drive, even though anyone observing from the outside would probably consider the driver to be crazy or impaired! After initially testing in the "Average" profile, I've since found that I like "Assertive" better. I've been the passenger-seat instructor/monitor while newbies throw their cars off the side of the track in high speed corners on road race courses before, so maybe that prior experience helps a lot in calmly handling FSD's behaviors :) My wife hates it and is terrified of it, but sometimes tolerates me using it while she's in the car.

The most pervasive and high priority issue to me, IMHO, continues to be the horrible lane choice planning in some situations. It's clearly not paying attention to the map data about turn lanes, etc at all! Second to that, is the inability to override the navigation's routing (I now usually have to turn off FSD until I fully exit my neighborhood, just because it persistently wants to route me towards a road that is currently under construction - if only I could cancel out that road, or drag the path on the map at the start of the drive?).

All in all, still going great. Looking forward to 10.13 and eventually single-stack!
Just thought I'd follow up here again, now that it's been a few weeks! I've gotten a little more used to the most common mistakes it will make, and I'm enjoying the experience more and more. I almost always at least try using it on every drive, unless I know a particular drive segment is going to be really terrible based on past experience, or I'm too distracted to be testing.

I continue to be impressed by how well it works most of the time. I haven't had any strikes yet, or even come close to it. At least for me in my car: if you're vigilant with your eyes scanning the road, steering wheel nags are pretty minimal and easy to catch (I do tend to get steering wheel nags, because I habitually use zero force on the wheel and just sense the car through it, until I need to provide real input).

It has done a few dangerous things, but nothing I couldn't correct. I tend to let situations play out as long as I safely can just to see what it ends up doing. Sometimes things that look really fishy initially, it eventually will recover from without intervention and continue the drive, even though anyone observing from the outside would probably consider the driver to be crazy or impaired! After initially testing in the "Average" profile, I've since found that I like "Assertive" better. I've been the passenger-seat instructor/monitor while newbies throw their cars off the side of the track in high speed corners on road race courses before, so maybe that prior experience helps a lot in calmly handling FSD's behaviors :) My wife hates it and is terrified of it, but sometimes tolerates me using it while she's in the car.

The most pervasive and high priority issue to me, IMHO, continues to be the horrible lane choice planning in some situations. It's clearly not paying attention to the map data about turn lanes, etc at all! Second to that, is the inability to override the navigation's routing (I now usually have to turn off FSD until I fully exit my neighborhood, just because it persistently wants to route me towards a road that is currently under construction - if only I could cancel out that road, or drag the path on the map at the start of the drive?).

All in all, still going great. Looking forward to 10.13 and eventually single-stack!
Thanks for the feedback. Consistent with my experience.
The most pervasive and high priority issue to me, IMHO, continues to be the horrible lane choice planning in some situations. It's clearly not paying attention to the map data about turn lanes, etc at all!
This is the main issue right now with FSDb. It is almost as if the car wants to pick the wrong lane in certain situations. Sometimes I wonder if someone at Tesla accidentally put in a -1 instead of +1 is some field somewhere!
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