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    Is Rolls-Royce going to put this small nuclear reactor into a car?

    The recent Russian cruise missile 9M730 Burevestnik is rather smaller than any submarine I know of.
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    AU Tails for Tesla Mobile Charger - Where can I get/buy them for my UK Tesla Charger? (8A and 12A)

    The tail does somehow convey to the device what the capabilities of the socket are supposed to be, so the mobile connector will tell the car to limit itself to demanding less. Tails matter
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think a clue is the license plates. I think I recall that these are Texas manufacturer's plates or some such. A bit uncommon for local Tesla drivers.
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Yes. Got it yesterday afternoon on my model 3. Late 2022 manufacture, nominally model year 2023, no holes where the USS would be.
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    Double Pull Selection Deactivated with FSD, Cruise Control not available.

    I think the most popular workaround mentioned on these forums is to maintain an extra profile. FSD activation is per profile, so one can have it, and another not.
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    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    TeslaFi reports that 3.6% of their subscribers are on that release. Some, of course, may have downloaded a later one and not installed it, but you are not alone.
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    First drive with 12.3--just a couple of key impressions: 1. Driving on the interstate was more different than the "it is still just V11 there" folks described. In particular, it decided to set me to 72 mph in a 65. 2. The key wonderful thing--it allows itself to use going a bit faster to...
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Both of our Teslas offered this new wave. So geographic expansion is probably part of this wave, as we are in New Mexico. We are half surrounded by states already getting in (Texas, Arizona...) but we and Colorado were not getting much love until now.
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Aha, all of the most recent sixteen reported TeslaFi subscriber installations of 2023.44.30.25 are listed as HW4 vehicles. These may all be from the latest wave (ripple?) as they completed installation between 5:18 and 5:44 p.m. Big boost for HW4 representation.
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    In reviewing the TeslaFi details for subscriber cars that have received 2023.44.30.25/FSDb12.3 I though I noticed in addition to the initial California bias and the current "SunBelt" bias that there may be a higher mileage bias. Speaking as the owner of two Teslas over a year old with FSDb...
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    something pretty similar to the Dirty Tesla "Michigan Left" accounts for the majority of my disengagements in recent months. In my case they are full-fledged dedicated right turn lanes which FSDb moves over into instead of just staying in the through lane. Somtimes it just barely twitches the...
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I think the give-and-take among drivers is a very difficult part of parking lot "proper" behavior for FSD to attempt to do properly. We look at each other and behave differently based on many, many factors. Even here in the same community different parking lots seem to play by different...
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    My guess differs from that. I think routine driving will be noticeably different, with quite a few of my "usual awkward and rough spots" smoothed out noticeably. I also suspect some of my "not just rough but actually a problem" spots will just go away and be good. BUT, I expect new places...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    On the recent release that implemented "recall" attention items, I suddenly got two levels of warnings on most engagements. I think I finally found a reasonably successful avoidance method: be sure I am actively turning the wheel at the moment I engage. Not, by much mind you, or you'll exceed...
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I like that reason better than the oft-claimed "overfitting". Even something so minor as autopark has a very strong response to the quality (contrast, consistency) of markings. Here in Albuquerque the particular places I go have really faint and inconsistent parking markings, and the software...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    Regarding the eternal debate as to whether checking for updates makes any difference, just now I hopped in my MY 2023 model 3 RWD and tapped the software item. After a few seconds with the "checking for updates" indications, it stated that 2023.44.30.8 was initiating download. Car is currently...
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Golly, you have no interest in whether your detailed commentary seriously misinforms people who take it literally. I had thought better of you. I'll desist on this matter. I can see you have zero interest in my point.
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Here is a respectful criticism and suggestion. Rather than devote so much energy to GoPro video, that you soon upgrade by equipping your vehicle with an aftermarket add-on CAN bus connector, a suitable OBD2 to Bluetooth adapter, and some device running the Scan My Tesla (for Android) or the...
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Not working in heavy rain is going to catch up with them almost anywhere, unless they successfully coach the user or automatically disable FSDb during heavy rain. We even get heavy rain here in the desert Southwest. I've seen a peak rate on my rain gauge of over 7 inches/per hour here in...
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    Really incoming FSD 12.1 ?

    I think in the end there will be plenty of C++ collaborating with the NN stuff. Likely it is actually true that the NN stuff can give a much more "human-like" graceful response in the great majority of scenarios than they ever got to with the old approach. But I'll bet a lot that the NN stuff...
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    v11.4.7 (2023.7.30) auto-wipers seem drastically worse

    For as long as I can remember Tesla wipers set to auto in either of our cars (2022 model Y, 2023 model 3) have been reluctant to wipe at all when driving slowly. So I'm pretty sure something changed within the last couple of releases, as today I got wipes within seconds of starting off in a...
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    Cybertruck deliveries

    I spoke to the same man at church today. It turns out he was mistaken--the man in question did go to Charleston and did pick up a Tesla, but it was not a CyberTruck. He recounted there was an actual CT at the Center where he picked up the car, but it was for looking only, cordoned off from...
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    Cybertruck deliveries

    I was hoping this thread to be one about actual delivery news and observations--which is not the traditional waiting room style here. Sadly, my starting post was misinformed--as I'll clarify in a moment.
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    On my first drive with software 2023.44.30.2 (FSDb 11.4.9) which was also my first drive with 2023.44.nnnn maps I had two major speed limit surprises. Rounding the corner from the 50 mph 4-lane divided Tramway Blvd to the 2-lane 25 mph road into my development the car displayed a 50mph speed...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    Our 2022 model Y and 2023 model 3 both downloaded software 2023.44.30.2 last night. I installed both on getting up. Three hours later I hopped in the car and hit the Software item, scrolling down so I could see it saying it was checking for updates. And it proclaimed it was downloading a new...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    A major differentiator in crash rates is the selection bias of who buys a particular car. How they drive, where they drive... I remember years ago routinely perusing a set of model-specific crash statistics that was published annually. For several years there was a consistent pattern that cars...
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    Cybertruck deliveries

    I thought there ought to be a thread for actual delivery reports. I spoke to a man at my church this morning in Albuquerque who reported that a relative or a friend of a relative is driving to Charleston to pick up a Cybertruck this weekend.
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    I have a 2022 model Y which has USS, and a 2023 model 3 without. The difference in representation of nearby objects between the two cars when running the same software version is quite clear. I think my model Y USS is active and never yet disabled.
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Thanks for pointing that out. Indeed looking into the detail as provided by Teslafi for the three individual cars all three are 2023.38.100, not 2023.38.10. Sorry to all for my false alarm.
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    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    Since the early report that 2023.38.10 is an FSD 12 release, I check TeslaFi for it daily. Always zero installs, but now it shows 3 installs. Yet more interesting, it shows two in Germany and one in France!
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    Worse yet, I think the way they phrase it means they are saying the software should make no mistakes (hence no driver attentiveness truly required). That would assure no self-driving software ever hit the road--even versions with far, far higher safety than humans, but still not perfect. Wrong...
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    Tpms notification disable?

    Tesla service at Nambe, New Mexico put 45 psi in my 2022 model Y tires once. The official Tesla direction for my car is 42 psi. I have a friend who bought a model S pretty early on, then replaced it when the dual motors came in, then finally replaced that one last year when his warranty was...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    Given the time of the year, an obvious secular change candidate is temperature. Conveniently, Teslafi gives an indication of outside temperature for a drive. Worth thinking about?
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    TACC Activation

    Perhaps a way to get separate methods to engage FSDb and TACC with single-press FSDb activation enabled is to use two separate profiles, one of which does not have FSDb turned on. Can one safely change active profile while driving?
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    [iOS] battery drain

    I've consistently seen drastically higher battery consumption on my iPhone any time I am displaying driving maps. That applies whether the app displaying the maps is Google Maps, Apple Maps, or the Tesla app. They may not all be the same, but they all seem really, really high compared to...
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    Possible system level trouble seen on New Mexico Superchargers November 29, 2023

    Now, just 14 minutes after I posted, the app also looks normal. So maybe it was not a car vs. app discrepancy, but instead a short overall reporting discrepancy--well under an hour in duration.
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    Possible system level trouble seen on New Mexico Superchargers November 29, 2023

    The Superchargers here in New Mexico are few, but generally at a low fraction use rate. I was curious to see how Thanksgiving travel might affect them, so looked every few hours in the past week or so at the "10 closest" display that shows in my iPhone Tesla app under the location item...
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    Tesla Model Y does not show USB flash drive

    I've spent time on both a CD drive and music on a USB stick in the last month, mostly on my 2023 model 3 RWD. Observations: 1. Yes, only the glove box USB-A port is actually a functional USB data connection in my car--the four USB-C ports in the console and rear are power only. 2. My car...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    On my car the way to nudge FSD to make a lane change is to move the stalk up all the way to the hard stop before just letting got--not just past the detent. That seems to work reliably for me. Sometimes it waits a while for a suitable opportunity--which is good.
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    TACC Activation

    I expect to find that a big plus. In my case I am far more often inconvenienced by the remnant autothrottle after I do a steering disengage than finding it useful.
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    Elon: FSD Beta tweets

    As to the question argued above about IR capabilities, I have direct evidence that the cabin camera installed in my 2022 Model Y has appreciable sensitivity in the near IR. Mine originally lacked the IR illuminators found in some, but not in all model Y and model 3 production of that era. On...
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    4-6 weeks for replacement glass??

    I had to replace the windshield on our 2022 model Y LR because a rock "star" grew an 18-inch crack one day when the sun hit the damaged site wrong. I just went to the service section of my app, was granted a Service Center appointment the next week, and had the repair complete the day after the...
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    Battery cell: operating temperature ?

    Living in Albuquerque, I see a broader range of temperatures than you do. I do not see the car standardizing the battery temperature, except when it is actively conditioning the battery in preparation for a Supercharger set as the destination. For example, now it is fall, with medium...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    I use Scan my Tesla. One of the most interesting parameters I choose to display is Max Regen. This is a moment-by-moment number which for both my 2022 model Y LR and my 2023 model 3 RWD has a cap at 85 kW. That is A LOT. Trust me, if it used all of that in local street sub-35 mph driving...
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    Choosing between two options when paying for charging?

    Looking at the charging payment method page in my Tesla app, I see an entry for the credit card I use with a green checkmark, I imagine indicating it is the current default. There is an "add card" function showing. I've not tried it, but it seems likely you could put two cards in, and switch...
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    Tesla Model 3 battery module replacement

    For this procedure to be worthwhile, a particular module would have to include a manufacturing defect that gave it greatly impaired life compared to all the other modules. Then there is the problem of improper module matching after you unit the replacement with the survivors. It is a very...
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yes. My model 3 did the download about 1 a.m. MDT today, and I installed it after I got up. I was very surprised to see it go that wide so soon after first detection.
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    Had an intriguing handling of an odd situation by FSDb running 2023.27.6/FSDb this evening. Ego pulled up to an intersection on a multilane road in the left-most lane (best choice for what is coming in the next half mile). The light was red. The car ahead was not only stopped but had...
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    Report Map Errors?

    I also wish I knew a way to report Map errors to Tesla. But while we both await an answer to that one, how about sharing your exact method of reporting errors to Google?
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    FSD Beta v11.x

    It has been months since I had one of these unrequested windshield spray+wipe, but as I recall I was stopped for each one--usually at a stop light. Back to dry wipes. I run about one for thirty minutes of driving time. Usually, they coincide with an obvious difference in lighting (leaving...