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Vendor Official Tessie app talk

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Could you also help me understand the discrepancy where it shows the usable capacity being 60.0 but when I tap on the latest blue dot that lines up with my odometer it reads 58.0? 99.6% of the 60.3 does match up to 60.0…


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I've been creating automations to keep the car preconditioned at specific places (e.g., grocery store, kids school, etc) after parking. It's resulting in a lot of automations.

Does anyone think it'd be useful to have more than location in the automation interface? So Any or 1..n locations.

I'd like to take advantage of the Tessie locations but with more work this could be done with Shortcuts but sort of a PITA.
Could you also help me understand the discrepancy where it shows the usable capacity being 60.0 but when I tap on the latest blue dot that lines up with my odometer it reads 58.0? 99.6% of the 60.3 does match up to 60.0…
58.0 kWh is the last reading, while I believe 60.0 kWh is the average of the last 30 readings.
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I added a couple of shortcuts to my iPhone home screen one allows me to open the trunk. I opened the trunk and I believe I clicked the button twice because of the lack of response to my first click. The trunk eventually opened however I believe the second click was processed and nearly closed the trunk on us. Luckily I saw it and caught it in time.
I added a couple of shortcuts to my iPhone home screen one allows me to open the trunk. I opened the trunk and I believe I clicked the button twice because of the lack of response to my first click. The trunk eventually opened however I believe the second click was processed and nearly closed the trunk on us. Luckily I saw it and caught it in time.
@Mobile3228 is correct and the motor toggles between open, close and pause.
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Any way to show the totals without clicking through all the pagination? Or, better yet any plans to using the Tesla invoices to calculate savings? That was one feature I really liked with TeslaFi.
I'll look into the invoice savings. The total is under Analytics > Energy Used. There's no pagination... sounds like you're looking through the history?
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I’ve been using Tessie for about 10 days and I’ve noticed that the energy usage that it reports per drive is consistently more than what the Tesla says. For example on a drive home yesterday the Tesla reported 204 Wh/m whereas Tessie shows 214 Wh/m. I’ve seen this differential fairly consistently across drives. Any reason this is off from what the car reports?

On the flip side TeslaFi tends to estimate too low so I’m not sure which one is better.
I’ve been using Tessie for about 10 days and I’ve noticed that the energy usage that it reports per drive is consistently more than what the Tesla says. For example on a drive home yesterday the Tesla reported 204 Wh/m whereas Tessie shows 214 Wh/m. I’ve seen this differential fairly consistently across drives. Any reason this is off from what the car reports?

On the flip side TeslaFi tends to estimate too low so I’m not sure which one is better.
I bet all three use different logic. Taking the middle number from Tesla could be the good average. Between the three they are close. So i dont think its as important to get the correct number as it is to get a consistently measured number. Pick one method and stick to it to get consistent trend. However, I would also like to know which is the most correct number.
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I’ve been using Tessie for about 10 days and I’ve noticed that the energy usage that it reports per drive is consistently more than what the Tesla says. For example on a drive home yesterday the Tesla reported 204 Wh/m whereas Tessie shows 214 Wh/m. I’ve seen this differential fairly consistently across drives. Any reason this is off from what the car reports?

On the flip side TeslaFi tends to estimate too low so I’m not sure which one is better.
All three are using estimates. The car uses a formula that skews the number lower. The calculation Tessie uses is:

If your battery is charged to 100% and has a 100 kWh capacity, and your battery goes from 100% to 75% after a drive, that means the drive used 25 kWh. If the drive was 75 miles: 25 (total kWh used) / 75 (total miles driven) = 0.333 kWh/mi = 333 Wh/mi.

This is made more complicated by buffers built into battery packs, how Tesla calculates things, etc. It's all somewhat fuzzy. Tessie tries to use the most straightforward calculation possible with the data at hand. The true number (if you could somehow do drives while connected to sophisticated lab equipment that's required to measure this stuff with 100% accuracy) is somewhere between Tesla's number and Tessie's number.
My tesla app will often show 50%, while the Tessie app reads 51%? Why is that the case? If it’s rounding, how do we check soc to the decimal place?
Car only reports SOC in rounded numbers. Tessie always shows what the car says is the "usable" battery percentage. I'd be surprised if Tesla wasn't doing that as well, but maybe they don't do that sometimes. Send screenshots of this to [email protected] so I can check it out.
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Looking at the new? Global Tesla Statistics page. Cool concept, but seems like it needs more detail to really mean anything.

  • Battery Retention - why is this broken out by Model but not original battery pack capacity? Pretty useless and prone to skewed results if the mix of long range vs smaller pack cars is not consistent across mileage. % of original capacity would make sense or just give us the breakdown by car type.
  • Efficiency by Temp and Speed - again, combines many years and iterations of vehicle. 2014 85D will be completely different than a 2022 LR. Displaying as % of rated range helps here at least
    • Would also be nice to see actual efficiency numbers vs % of rated range.
Overall lots of potential here but those of us using tools like Tessie want to see meaningful data, not just pretty charts
Looking at the new? Global Tesla Statistics page. Cool concept, but seems like it needs more detail to really mean anything.

  • Battery Retention - why is this broken out by Model but not original battery pack capacity? Pretty useless and prone to skewed results if the mix of long range vs smaller pack cars is not consistent across mileage. % of original capacity would make sense or just give us the breakdown by car type.
  • Efficiency by Temp and Speed - again, combines many years and iterations of vehicle. 2014 85D will be completely different than a 2022 LR. Displaying as % of rated range helps here at least
    • Would also be nice to see actual efficiency numbers vs % of rated range.
Overall lots of potential here but those of us using tools like Tessie want to see meaningful data, not just pretty charts
I certainly get the value of seeing it for every vehicle config over the years. Breaking all of it down by year, trim and battery pack capacity would be around 3,000 different datasets and we don't have enough data for that level of granularity spread over that many data points yet.
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