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Supercharger - Emporia, KS

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Well it's on supercharge.info now in the permit phase... I don't like where they put it as it's way to far of a walk to get to any food beyond Montana Mikes but alas, I don't live in the region anymore so who am I to complain...


The specific location in the parking lot on supercharge.info is a guess since nobody has seen any plans - when construction starts, the dot can be moved to the right place in the parking lot.
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No status change as far as I know. I stopped by late in the day on July 30 looking for equipment or at least flags indicating where they were going to dig. No indication of construction anywhere around their parking lot. One odd thing was that this location is no longer a Montana Mike's Steakhouse. It's apparently spun off as a local restaurant now instead of a franchise. It's now known as Kansas Bar and Grill. I was trying to get home after a long day's drive, so I didn't stop to ask for any details as to if that changed the plans for the Tesla Supercharger.
As of today it has been 169 days they’ve had the permit and I drove by there the other day and still nothing. I went to the exact location where they are supposed to be installing them and saw nothing. It’s at some restaurant that has closed down near some hotels. It’s in a perfect spot right off the highway. I have a P85 and have trouble making it from my house in east Wichita to Kansas City. I take the trip a lot and cannot wait until that supercharger is finally built but damn you would think they would have got started with on it by now. I typically have to drive around 60-65 mph max the entire way to make it without having to go to Topeka. I’ve time dad’s both ways you are better off driving a lot slower and going straight to Kansas City versus driving the extra mile to Topeka and it charging for 30 minutes. But once they install that one in Emporia you should be able to just pull over for 10 minutes get a quick charge and continue driving the speed limit. Next time I go through there I’ll take some pictures where it’s located and I’ll let you guys know if I see any construction stuff, should be in the next few days if not within the next two weeks I will be going back.
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I called Kansas Bar & Grill something like 2 weeks ago and the person that answered said there was no current construction; it was still supposed to happen, but no knowledge of a schedule for it starting. No real news, so I didn’t bother posting anything.
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Yeah I was planning on driving there tomorrow to take my car to service and I was going to stop by but I'm going to have to cancel because I have to drive to Florida. I'll be back in a couple weeks and driving there and see if anything is new. On the other hand I was looking at teslas supercharger map and noticed they plan on building two more superchargers in Kansas City Area. (by the end of 2018). But one of them is on the Kansas side way south which would help a lot. The other one I already knew about it. Is going to be downtown Kansas City. Either one would be nice that way we could actually drive the speed limit
I called the Hampton Inn and asked the general manager if she has been contacted by Tesla about installing superchargers at their property. The manager said she was contacted recently and she forwarded the proposal onto the home office for further review and consideration. I provided the phone numbers of two Hilton Garden Inn that have superchargers on their property for reference. I left Emporia 19 years ago but travel there occasionally. Maybe something will happen sooner rather than later.
Scooter Jim. Thanks for checking in on this. We traveled through Emporia this last weekend and didn't see anything happening. The Kansas Bar and Grill, which we thought would be the location, after many months still has an opening soon sign on the door. I'm wondering if Tesla has had to change it's mind about locations and this is part of the holdup?
I just drove through there about 2 weeks ago and not a single sign of superchargers being installed. I really wish they would get this one done because it makes my trip difficult. Right now to make it from Kansas City to Wichita you have to drive all the way over on the east side of KC, charge, then drive about 15 miles under the speed limit all the way if you want to make it in a straight shot.

That or drive out of the way to Topeka and waste time having to charge extra just to make it down to Wichita or vice versa. I have an 85 kW pack.

I actually went to pick up my car from Tesla and it was still broke. So they gave me another loaner car and I waited around all day and they called me and said it would end up being Monday so I had to drive late at night all the way over and get the battery to 100% then drive the trip to Wichita.

I actually fell asleep right before the toll booth in Emporia and woke up mid air after hitting the crash cushion and rolling the car several times. Thank God I didn’t kill anybody or myself. If those superchargers would have been installed in Emporia I could have just drove straight there and got some juice and went straight down to Wichita.

Now in no way shape or form am I blaming Tesla or autopilot for this by any means! I just simply fell asleep about a mile before the toll. My point is that if that supercharger was up and running I wouldn’t have had to drive those extended hours just to be able to make it in one shot. I had just drove from Florida to KC so I was already tired. The reason my car was in the shop Was because they told me that my rebuilt the battery had came back and I needed to hurry and have them put it in otherwise they would loan it out to somebody else also the doorhandle LED quit again and I had them replace it. When I picked the car up at the door handle was rubbing and there was a shorted wire in the door. That’s the reasoning behind me having to wait around all day so they could attempt to fix it. I know this is getting off topic but I’m just throwing it out there as an example why we need a supercharger in Emporia.


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I actually fell asleep right before the toll booth in Emporia and woke up mid air after hitting the crash cushion and rolling the car several times. Thank God I didn’t kill anybody or myself. If those superchargers would have been installed in Emporia I could have just drove straight there and got some juice and went straight down to Wichita.

Just to be clear on this.... You were driving a loaner Tesla, fell asleep, and crashed it in Emporia?

I was trying to connect the photos to your post. How did the car turn out?
Can't tell if this post was serious but it should be noted that charging in Topeka is literally a 6 minute diversion vs. driving straight from KC to Wichita via Emporia. Now you do have to stop and charge in Topeka, but that would be the case if there were a supercharger in Emporia as well. It certainly makes no sense whatsoever to drive to Independence or even the new KC supercharger just so you can take the toll road through Emporia.
Just to be clear on this.... You were driving a loaner Tesla, fell asleep, and crashed it in Emporia?

I was trying to connect the photos to your post. How did the car turn out?
Just to be clear on this.... You were driving a loaner Tesla, fell asleep, and crashed it in Emporia?

I was trying to connect the photos to your post. How did the car turn out?

The photos are of the location where of the superchargers are supposed to be installed. I just uploaded them to show everybody that there has been no progress whatsoever made on them getting installed.
Yes it was a loaner vehicle are crashed I had just drove from Florida to KC to have my rebuild battery installed, my third set of rotors installed, my second LED in the door handle installed. When I went to pick up the car the door handle was rubbing and it also shorted out when you would open the door about half way. So they gave me another loaner car and I waited around all day hoping they would get it fixed. Around 5 o’clock they called and said it would be Monday so go-ahead and go home for the weekend. I then had to drive all the way to Blue Springs to charge the car to 100% so I could make the trip without stopping.

About a mile before the toll booth in Emporia I must’ve dozed off. Next thing I know I am here and feel the loudest crunch you could ever imagine and looked over and saw my MacBook Pro floating in the air. I hit the crash barrier between the booths and then flew between them landed on the roof and then rolled like three times. It ended up finally stop being on the wills so I wasn’t upside down Yes I know I sound like one of those retards that gets into an autopilot wreck and causes bad publicity butt like Elon has said, no system is perfect and accidents are going to happen. I should not of been driving that tired thankfully nobody was hurt or killed. I’m also not going on national TV blaming Tesla Service KC it was 100% my fault I should have stopped and got a hotel.

The only injuries that occurred to me were my right index finger had about a 1/2 inch cut That was bleeding pretty bad and my right middle finger had for small cuts from glass as well, my right knee was purple for a couple weeks from hitting the steering well but it’s fine and I had a small bruise on my Waste to from the seatbelt. I crawled instantly out of the car and wasn’t even busy I just got out and was praying nobody else was hurt or killed. Then I realized what had happened.

I’m actually glad that new software update makes you hold the steering wheel more often. Until the system is near perfect I think it needs to be that way. On the other hand I do think the car should have reacted a little bit differently. I don’t even think it even remotely tried to stop! It just smacked right into that concrete barrier going 74. But again my fault I should’ve been awake and got a hotel
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