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Tesla (Model S & X) no longer eligible for Ontario rebate?

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We are not going to see toll roads. Selling the 407 was one of the dumbest things the Province ever did and that was done by the PC party and currently the only toll road in Ontario. We are in a situation that the USA faced in the last election. Both leaders are terrible. I already said my piece about the NDP. They just kill growth and business.

Hwy. 401 tolls are the 'best way,' says Waterloo researcher

I agree that the NDP is anti business, they are too inflieninfby Social Justice Warriors and Unions thsy they will break it all

The Liberals always seem to enjoy adding new taxes/user fees or their new favorite word "revenue tools" .let's not forget when Daddy McQuinty was elected the first thing he did was break the promise and add a new tax. The problem is we are grosly overtaxed and the Liberals seem to think that people can keep paying new taxes
Disclosure: PC party member, in a dominant PC area (Dufferin-Caledon). I had Ford third on my ballot

A lot of this hype for Ford is due to him winning the nomination. Remember, this is 70,000 right-of-centre voters. Ontario is generally NOT right of centre.
The PC's have been in the lead for a while. DoFo hasn't said anything stupid since his nomination. But he will. More than once.

Just wait for the soft C or right L to go back to the Liberals. Count on it

The PC's are again waiting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

My ballot didn't come in time, he would have been third on mine as well.

Who knows maybe he'll energize the Fringe right to come out and vote. I think I'll just hold my nose and vote PC. I'm in Caledon as well.

Hello neighbours!
Talking about the mayor, I don’t see John Tory has done anything better than Rob Ford

I do predict PC might make EV NO HST ( HST rebate) instead of $14000

Tesla buys 14000 rebate is buyer’s own money, other car’s rebate has my money!
We are not going to see toll roads. Selling the 407 was one of the dumbest things the Province ever did and that was done by the PC party and currently the only toll road in Ontario. We are in a situation that the USA faced in the last election. Both leaders are terrible. I already said my piece about the NDP. They just kill growth and business.

I have no party affiliation and vote for whomever checks most of the important boxes to me.

Having said that, I remember when the conversation started about HOT lanes and Horvath called them "Lexus Lanes". That kind of stuff drives me nuts. If the goal, is traffic reduction, why is car type (ie: rich peoples cars) the ones we are targetting.

I just don't like the false pretense. Just come out and say it... "we don't like anyone with money, that is our platform".

Likewise, the entire Conservative "parents should teach sex ed at home"... total BS. That is code for "we want to put our head in the sand and pretend kids aren't doing all of these things". Do you really believe that the vast majority of immigrants from non-progressive nations are teaching their kids about sex, masturbation, gender identity and tolerance?

As a child of conservative eastern european immigrants I can tell you that this sort of talk is largely taboo, so lets call BS, BS. All three parties are flawed.

Conservatives - best on the economy, terrible on social issues.

Liberals - terrible on the economy and very corrrupt, good on social issues

NDP - Bad at everything.
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Talking about the mayor, I don’t see John Tory has done anything better than Rob Ford

I do predict PC might make EV NO HST ( HST rebate) instead of $14000

Tesla buys 14000 rebate is buyer’s own money, other car’s rebate has my money!

There is something to be said for respecting the office and not defiling it with appalling behaviour. For all of his talk about serving the people, RoFo barely showed up to work, and there wasn't a conflict of interest he could resist. RoFo was so bad that simply not being publicly intoxicated at official functions, and being able to speak coherently, were enough of an achievement to carry Tory through his first term.

We do also need to remember that Toronto has a weak mayor system, where the mayor is just one vote on council. Every idea has to be approved by a majority of 44 idiots, whereas the likes of Michael Bloomberg and Boris Johnson could enact pretty sweeping changes from the mayor's office.
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Back on topic - (?)
@ytwytw - wishful thinking on HST rebate. I think the PC's will be looking to cut out anything "fringe".
@Struja - I agree with you on Horvath - she'll never reinstate a rebate "to the rich". She might put a large luxury tax on vehicles over $75K to help her with social programs. This might include Tesla
The Liberals will probably stay the course. Tesla owners are not her target voters

We are probably out of luck unless Justin Selfie throws us some money
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Fascinating that my post about a withdrawn rebate that affects some Teslas has turned into a plebiscite on provincial parties in advance of the election!

My $0.02 worth: there's a campaign to run, a key leader to be battle-tested by the provincial public, and the election is still to be decided, despite many comments on this (any!) forum that suggests it's obvious which parties are good and which are useless (like everyone does and should think the same as you!). As flawed as democracy may be, I believe it's worse when a minority think they know what's best for others.
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As Mark Twain said “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”

We're WAY beyond the maximum holding capacity of the current set of 16 year old diapers that we've got installed at Queen's Park. And just like a diaper, it won't smell any better with another 4 years.
Problem is no one is providing us with a clean set.

Can't argue that point. But there comes a point when old set have to come off, no matter how saturated the replacements might be. Maybe the next set after that will be cleaner. And maybe the replacements will be better than we feared.

With change there is at least some hope. Without change there is none.
To get back on topic.... this situation is an interesting time for making a judgement on the market for the Model S and X in Ontario. The rebate demise was not pre-announced at all, so there was no fudging of the data by people suddenly rushing to buy before its expiration. It will be interesting to see what the sales are in 3 or 4 months, after the immediate shock of an effectively $14,000.00 overnight rise in the price has passed. Whether the cohort of people who can “afford” these vehicles will still buy or not will be more obvious by this summer. Whether one can “afford” something is one of the more minor influences on whether someone actually buys something. There are a myriad of things I can afford but have no interest in buying, even if I would like to have them, unless I can get them below a certain price point.
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To get back on topic.... this situation is an interesting time for making a judgement on the market for the Model S and X in Ontario. The rebate demise was not pre-announced at all, so there was no fudging of the data by people suddenly rushing to buy before its expiration. It will be interesting to see what the sales are in 3 or 4 months, after the immediate shock of an effectively $14,000.00 overnight rise in the price has passed. Whether the cohort of people who can “afford” these vehicles will still buy or not will be more obvious by this summer. Whether one can “afford” something is one of the more minor influences on whether someone actually buys something. There are a myriad of things I can afford but have no interest in buying, even if I would like to have them, unless I can get them below a certain price point.
This data should already exist, in that the Ontario rebate went from $14k to $3k to $14k on these cars previously. The $3k period was long enough that it should provide a good sense, and I'd have a hard time believing that a $3k rebate made any significant difference to those shopping vehicles in the Model S/X price class.

I don't know enough about this; is MTO registration data by model publicly available somewhere?

I agree completely that "affordability" in its most strict sense doesn't matter. Opportunity costs factor in heavily. If I spend more money on a car, I have less money available for other things.
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