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Autopilot worse after latest Update

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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say that with the latest update that was pushed through my AP2.0 has become much worse and erratic than it was before. I own a 2016 Model S with AP2.0 hardware. At first the AP was absolutely unusable. Then sometime in 2017 they pushed a major update that brought up about lane change and those features but still AP was jamming brakes under underpasses and the steering was veering side to side in a lane. Fast forward another few years and they made some more tweaks/updates and the AP started performing quite well. Still not perfect but much closer to original AP1.0 performance.

Then about a month or so ago perhaps March 2019, Tesla pushed a new update with the whole Atari game and a few other things including a big update for AP. Ever since that update not just my AP but also just adaptive cruise control (ACC) has become so much worse. I find AP/ACC again jamming the brakes under bridges and underpasses. Not always but it has happened a few times now whereas in the past it had completely stopped doing that.

Then I have noticed that even while driving in a straight line I find the car moving forward in a very jerky way. It's like someone is constantly pressing and releasing the accelerator aggressively. And then a couple of times while changing lanes my ACC slammed the brakes so hard that it literally made our hearts blast out of our chests. The car was traveling at about 70mph and it literally slammed the brakes for a second at multiple occasions.

Have any of you experienced the same situation with the new update? I would love to hear your views to see if anyone is having an experience similar to mine. I have absolutely given up hope on Auto HIgh Beam and Auto Wipers ever becoming useful but now if even AP/ACC functionality is going to get worse with updates then it makes no sense.

Please let me know what you folks have experienced in this regard. THank you!
And then a couple of times while changing lanes my ACC slammed the brakes so hard that it literally made our hearts blast out of our chests

What are you doing posting here?!?! Go to the hospital!

In all seriousness, haven’t really seen the issues you’re describing(well, hard to tell, there’s clearly some hyperbole here that’s hard to see through). Only real issue I’m seeing is that it sometimes hits the brakes while driving at speed by stopped or very slow traffic. Seems to sometimes think a car is trying to merge when it isn’t. Other than than, just normal stuff like it having trouble changing lanes when there’s a lot of traffic in the lane it’s trying to move to. Still works, but could be more assertive to get in.
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Completely agree with you. I also have a Model s 2016 AP2. With 2019.8.5 release I now get sudden braking for no apparent reason, along with acceleration changing small amounts resulting in the jerky ride. The latter has gotten a bit better since the update, but still getting unexpected braking, especially with traffic in the next lane. I think its being too cautious about other cars possibly encroaching into my lane. One time, a car a bit ahead of me did ride the lane marker, but my car braked about 10 seconds after the car had moved back. I was hoping that the 2019.12 release would fix it, but I hear reports it's just as bad, although there is a newer 12.1 release that just came out.

Adding - this happens with TACC and AP. I used to get some braking with AP but not TACC, but now I can't even use TACC reliably.
Ok so it’s comforting to see that it’s not just my car but many others that are demonstrating similar erratic behavior after the new update.

Yeah while Elon/Tesla did the whole Tesla “autonomy day” thing I feel our Teslas are still far away from the FSD future that Elon keeps promising and making it sound like it’s just round the corner.

Don’t get me wrong I know that Teslas are still light years ahead of competition and I absolutely love my car and this company. But I’m just a bit sick of being a beta tester for AP2.0 for almost 2.5 years now. After having paid for the feature I expected it to work seamlessly 2+ years after the fact.

99% of the times AP is just more headache than a convenience. And it’s good to see that they’re at least including AP as a standard feature now rather than have suckers like me pay extra for a garbage feature that has not worked properly ever since the start.

Is there a way this can be reported to Tesla in a way that will actually get their attention? Tweeting to Elon is not a great option as I have tried and never received a response. Any thoughts ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
I think you might want to look up what 'literally' means in the dictionary.
I know I know... I’m guilty of a bit of hyperbole in my original post . I apologize. But I swear, this last episode where it jammed the brakes on a straight road had my heart rate shot up in a pretty scary way. It was awful how traveling at 70mph my car decided to slam the brakes like it just wanted to come to a complete stop. My pregnant wife next to me screamed and so did our child in the car seat.

All kidding aside this sort of event does not feel safe from a health standpoint, neck snapping standpoint and most importantly if I had a car tailgating me or following closely it would have 100% lead to a rear end collision no doubt.

I just hope they vet out features before posting these updates but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case.
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Ok so it’s comforting to see that it’s not just my car but many others that are demonstrating similar erratic behavior after the new update.

Yeah while Elon/Tesla did the whole Tesla “autonomy day” thing I feel our Teslas are still far away from the FSD future that Elon keeps promising and making it sound like it’s just round the corner.

Don’t get me wrong I know that Teslas are still light years ahead of competition and I absolutely love my car and this company. But I’m just a bit sick of being a beta tester for AP2.0 for almost 2.5 years now. After having paid for the feature I expected it to work seamlessly 2+ years after the fact.

99% of the times AP is just more headache than a convenience. And it’s good to see that they’re at least including AP as a standard feature now rather than have suckers like me pay extra for a garbage feature that has not worked properly ever since the start.

Is there a way this can be reported to Tesla in a way that will actually get their attention? Tweeting to Elon is not a great option as I have tried and never received a response. Any thoughts ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

I still feel bad for people that believe Elon's claims.

Tesla’s new AI chip isn’t a silver bullet for self-driving cars

Elon Musk is annoying the hell out of people who work with self-driving cars

Other self-driving experts, like Carnegie Mellon University professor Raj Rajkumar, also called out Musk, as told to the AP: "It sounds like a pipe dream that he’s selling people."

Tesla has a self-driving strategy other companies abandoned years ago


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Unfortunately I have to agree with original post. Tesla makes grand claims as always, I remember the last "self-driving" video from a few years ago. Nowhere close as far as I am concerned. I just traded my AP1 car car for newer EAP car. EAP still not even close to smooth SECURE driving in one lane. Much better overall vision and lane change capacity, but car makes bad choices very often. I alternate between Mad max mode and average for Nav on Ap and at least every drive have a major intervention I have to make big corrections to not be sketchy driver. I live in AZ, amazing perfect roads with clear markings. I should have no phantom events or micro braking...I hope they fix the next update...
I still feel bad for people that believe Elon's claims.

Tesla’s new AI chip isn’t a silver bullet for self-driving cars

Elon Musk is annoying the hell out of people who work with self-driving cars

Other self-driving experts, like Carnegie Mellon University professor Raj Rajkumar, also called out Musk, as told to the AP: "It sounds like a pipe dream that he’s selling people."

Tesla has a self-driving strategy other companies abandoned years ago

Steven.... Brilliant man in his day and time. Technology has much evolved since he was last in the industry.

Dont know anyone that is going to accept any opinion from someone who worked in the field back in the 1970s on what today's technology is capable.
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I'll add a few more just for fun:

Tesla Autonomous Driving: Fact Or Fantasy? Bold But Unsubstantiated Claims Do Not Mean Much

The danger in Tesla's self-driving claims

Tesla's Outlandish Claims Threaten the Future of Self-Driving Cars - GuruFocus.com

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Now, you can look at this as an attack on Tesla, but it really isn't. If you know anyone that works in this space (and I do), they will tell you the same. It's all a fantasy.

Funny, I do too. Most I’ve met have admitted at this point that Musk’s way of going for it is the only one that will work. LiDAR is pretty well dead and buried at this point, and it turns out the camera positions on the Model S/3/X are exactly the ones necessary.
Funny, I do too. Most I’ve met have admitted at this point that Musk’s way of going for it is the only one that will work. LiDAR is pretty well dead and buried at this point, and it turns out the camera positions on the Model S/3/X are exactly the ones necessary.

You’re missing the point. Lidar is not the key. It’s also not about hardware. Timelines are important. Inference is the most important.