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The next big milestone for FSD is 11. It is a significant upgrade and fundamental changes to several parts of the FSD stack including totally new way to train the perception NN.

From AI day and Lex Fridman interview we have a good sense of what might be included.

- Object permanence both temporal and spatial
- Moving from “bag of points” to objects in NN
- Creating a 3D vector representation of the environment all in NN
- Planner optimization using NN / Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
- Change from processed images to “photon count” / raw image
- Change from single image perception to surround video
- Merging of city, highway and parking lot stacks a.k.a. Single Stack

Lex Fridman Interview of Elon. Starting with FSD related topics.

Here is a detailed explanation of Beta 11 in "layman's language" by James Douma, interview done after Lex Podcast.

Here is the AI Day explanation by in 4 parts.


Here is a useful blog post asking a few questions to Tesla about AI day. The useful part comes in comparison of Tesla's methods with Waymo and others (detailed papers linked).

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I've seen quite a few comments on here where people have a similarly great drive but then they have a terrible drive the next day.

I have certain spots I drive every day where it acts differently. Like a railroad crossing where it sometimes stops even with no trains or red flashing lights but sometimes it'll go thru fine.

It's the unpredictability that makes it hard to trust it more.
Yeah, I’ve had great drives before but this was all day over several drives after several bad drives the day before. This morning was also good but it was a short drive, will report more later.

I agree that inconsistency is frustrating and obviously undermines overall confidence.
Had a chance to take my first drive on this morning coming home from work. Too early to tell but I really couldn’t tell much difference. It was often slow to accelerate at lights but the previous version tended to do that, too.

FWIW I’m on map version NA-2022.44-14515. Maybe year-old maps are better?
I would love slow to accelerate at lights, mine likes to go 0 - Speed Limit in as fast as it can, even on chill mode for FSD and controls. It even does this when theres a red light ahead and then it has to hit the breaks with low regen to stop again.
Had a chance to take my first drive on this morning coming home from work. Too early to tell but I really couldn’t tell much difference. It was often slow to accelerate at lights but the previous version tended to do that, too......
While people see anecdotal differences and attribute that to an extremely minor xx.x.x.X update I believe and have experienced about a 10¢ worth of updates (it is really more about bugs) and since FSD is $12,000.00 that is not much.

Likely we will only get VERY minor/mostly bug updates on V11 from here on out.

EDIT: Had Tesla fixed the f'n dry wipe 🐞 I would have been delighted to say was an improvement. Please give us a and ALL it NEEDS to do is fix the damn wipers.
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While people see anecdotal differences and attribute that to an extremely minor xx.x.x.X update I believe and have experienced about a 10¢ worth of updates (it is really more about bugs) and since FSD is $12,000.00 that is not much.

Likely we will only get VERY minor/mostly bug updates on V11 from here on out.

EDIT: Had Tesla fixed the f'n dry wipe 🐞 I would have been delighted to say was an improvement. Please give us a and ALL it NEEDS to do is fix the damn wipers.
I don’t understand this wiper issue at all. I have a 23M3LR HW3 and do not have this issue. Has anyone been able to identity a common pattern with the folks that have this issue? It just seems so random across models, years, Hw versions, etc. even geography?? Is it happening in a certain part of the country? Very strange.
I don’t understand this wiper issue at all. I have a 23M3LR HW3 and do not have this issue. Has anyone been able to identity a common pattern with the folks that have this issue? It just seems so random across models, years, Hw versions, etc. even geography?? Is it happening in a certain part of the country? Very strange.
What FSDb (or j or whatever) are you one? Whatever you do if you have working auto-wipers don’t change anything lol.
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I’m currently on my 4th Tesla with FSD and started beta testing -two years ago. I’m quite consistent with testing and have seen all kinds of terrible behavior (and some good) during this time, since I live in an urban area. I don’t sugarcoat anything but I’m patient so I keep testing despite plenty of frustration over this time.

My current HW 4 MX on for about two weeks, is almost 3 weeks old. FSD was making the same old dumb, erratic errors, until today.

I noticed almost immediately this morning how much smoother the car was driving. This behavior was consistently better all day, which is notable because I drove a lot yesterday and it was the same old frustrating experience. It wasn’t perfect today but after testing consistently for ~22 months, this had to have been the best fsd experience ever.

They must be doing A/B testing, otherwise I don’t know how it could have improved overnight without a sw update. Anyone else with similar experience?

I see some of Elon’s Twitter followers making similar positive comments but I assumed it was just shilling but now I’m not so sure.
I don't see much change after running for over a week. I'm still getting an annoying issue entering a roundabout with oncoming traffic to the left. The car seems to be blind to this oncoming traffic 100% of the time and comes in hot around 25 mph without slowing down. I wait until the last second to be safe and see if it notices the oncoming car and then disengage to avoid a crash. It's strange that after 2 years I am still dealing with these collision avoidance scenarios. You would think that these situations would be the easiest to solve with FSDb. Maybe the side B-pillar cameras have a blind spot issue that they don't see in some situations. I still conclude that software will never solve this and the HW stack is not sufficient to get to even L3. It could be additional cameras and/or radar, lidar in the end..
I don't see much change after running for over a week. I'm still getting an annoying issue entering a roundabout with oncoming traffic to the left. The car seems to be blind to this oncoming traffic 100% of the time and comes in hot around 25 mph without slowing down. I wait until the last second to be safe and see if it notices the oncoming car and then disengage to avoid a crash. It's strange that after 2 years I am still dealing with these collision avoidance scenarios. You would think that these situations would be the easiest to solve with FSDb. Maybe the side B-pillar cameras have a blind spot issue that they don't see in some situations. I still conclude that software will never solve this and the HW stack is not sufficient to get to even L3. It could be additional cameras and/or radar, lidar in the end..
Do you have hw 3 or 4? Wondering if that matters at this point.
Or the wipers not working at all when it’s raining:


11.7.2 continues to disappoint. Trying to make left turns when it should be a right turn. I had it get into a left turn lane this afternoon (which was correct). Red arrow, and red lights for the other three lanes. My car stopped, waited a bit, then proceeded to go. I obviously took over, but not only did it try to run a red arrow/red light, there was plenty of cross traffic, which it seemed to ignore. Pretty dismal.
Or the wipers not working at all when it’s raining:

11.7.2 continues to disappoint. Trying to make left turns when it should be a right turn. I had it get into a left turn lane this afternoon (which was correct). Red arrow, and red lights for the other three lanes. My car stopped, waited a bit, then proceeded to go. I obviously took over, but not only did it try to run a red arrow/red light, there was plenty of cross traffic, which it seemed to ignore. Pretty dismal.
Yep, is a real bummer. Two steps forward and three back.