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Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

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If you want one now in the Vegas area.


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If you want one now in the Vegas area.
Notice how all of these that "become available" are juuuuust over the 55k tax credit limit? lol. Also, I spoke with Tesla about these, and asked if there was one available in another market if it could be shipped to my store, and they said the ones that become available are for that market only. So unless one in Colorado pops up available, I won't see these inventory units in my app.
Just got this from my SA, delivery tomorrow.


Please respond with YES to confirm your upcoming delivery appointment details:

Delivery Address: xxx
Appointment Date & Time: xxx

You should respond back with NO, I refuse to take delivery until June as stated on your website.

You're also gonna hurt a lot of the fortune teller's feelings, who say there is no way Tesla will deliver cars in June, if you take an earlier delivery.
I just wanted to share from my end that that I was informed today by my SA that the firmware is still not yet available. So I'm still waiting for my official delivery. It makes me wonder if deliveries which are reported to have already happen were without the firmware update but who knows 🤷‍♂️ I have to go by with what is told to me specific to my delivery. Anyways, hoping for better luck for everyone taking delivery soon.
Notice how all of these that "become available" are juuuuust over the 55k tax credit limit? lol. Also, I spoke with Tesla about these, and asked if there was one available in another market if it could be shipped to my store, and they said the ones that become available are for that market only. So unless one in Colorado pops up available, I won't see these inventory units in my app.
People that don’t qualify for the tax credit or that want to lease and get the tax credit will take these instantly.
I haven't heard from my advisor today, so I'd say this is a good sign that firmware and certification issues are resolved, and my twice-delayed delivery will finally happen tomorrow morning. I hope this also means a flood of VINs are assigned - fingers crossed 🤞
I hope my GigaCope theory turns out to be true.

I think that the string of hugely delayed EDDs is being caused by an automated system seeing the huge delay in VIN assignments and missed delivery dates due to firmware/EPA and "thinking" it's a production issue. Perhaps it is adjusting EDDs relative to what it "believes" to be an extremely low vehicle production rate.

I am hopeful that once the levy breaks on deliveries/VIN assignments (this week?) we'll see EDDs move up drastically across the board and we'll start to see a lot more regular meaningful movement.
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LGs don't have the energy density to power the performance. Seems sus.
I've been thinking about that. I just watched a video about Rimac Nevera, which uses 120kWh NMC battery pack with 1914hp.
Given it uses similar chemistry, it's reasonable to assume that peak power scales with the size of the pack.
Thus 510hp * 1.46 (increase in battery) = 746hp (yet it has 1914hp)
Similarly, model S:
510hp * 1.22 = 622hp (yet it has 1020hp)
So why does it seem that model 3 is limited by the battery? What am I missing?
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Sounds like nobody in the forum is saying they have a delivery scheduled for today? Mine is scheduled for tomorrow, crossing my fingers (and toes) that it doesn't slip! As amusing as it might be to be to get mine on the first day possible, I'd honestly rather see a dozen or more people saying "I got mine!" the previous day, so that I'd expect they are truly delivering them
We have a tracker you can reference.
It’s weird cuz I don’t see it on the website inventory
It's only showing for people that have orders currently in that market. It won't show on the tesla website, nor will it show on our accounts unless we are in that specific market. I talked to someone at tesla and they said if one becomes available then it stays in that area and they will not ship it.
I just wanted to share from my end that that I was informed today by my SA that the firmware is still not yet available. So I'm still waiting for my official delivery. It makes me wonder if deliveries which are reported to have already happen were without the firmware update but who knows 🤷‍♂️ I have to go by with what is told to me specific to my delivery. Anyways, hoping for better luck for everyone taking delivery soon.
This is what I’ve been told as well. I’m currently scheduled for Thursday, but I find it highly unlikely that it’ll be ready by then. Until the EPA signs off, I believe Tesla is at their mercy and government agencies sure aren’t known for their speed
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Brutal, it had been pushing to the right 1-2 days at a time and then got this update this morning 🙁 Hope everyone else has better luck

M3P Black/Black
Location: SoCal

Ordered: 4/23 @ 4:19pm PDT (EDD: June)
Update 1 (5/3): EDD May 14 - Jun 11
Update 2 (5/12): EDD May 17 - May 31
Update 3 (5/17): EDD May 19 - Jun 2
Update 4 (5/20): EDD May 20 - Jun 2
Update 5 (5/21): EDD Jul 2 - Aug 6
Oh this is brutal and does not bode well for me getting my car in June. I'm in NorCal and ordered black/black on 5/4.