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Wiki Model S Delivery Update

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So I spoke with an SA and they confirmed that the vehicle assigned to me has the new lights. Now my decision is super hard - take delivery, park outside for an indefinite amount of time and keep original pricing, or re-order at a later date? I feel like I won the lottery by extending a June 2021 price all the way out to now. Especially when you see what Rivian customers are having to deal with today - yikes!

Guess who just placed an order for a 2022 Model S Plaid. 😇
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So I spoke with an SA and they confirmed that the vehicle assigned to me has the new lights. Now my decision is super hard - take delivery, park outside for an indefinite amount of time and keep original pricing, or re-order at a later date? I feel like I won the lottery by extending a June 2021 price all the way out to now. Especially when you see what Rivian customers are having to deal with today - yikes!

My Teslas are parked outside year round. What's the big deal? If you are so neurotic about dust and rain, buy the Tesla outdoor car cover.


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Welcome back!
Two things will be SPECTACULARLY different since your last Tesla
1. The car itself- your detailed comments on the contrast would be great to read, given the historical perspective you can offer like few others
2. This Forum (especially this thread) is now a little.....different. Perhaps a little more lowbrow would be the best description. But amongst the inanity, rudeness, entitlement and puerility there are still gems of information to be found.
All the best with the new delivery experience!
Thank you! Sadly, the reason for the purchase was both of our cars are just out of warranty...in fact, six weeks after warranty, my battery (on the white 2013) suffered a complete failure and Tesla said it would cost $12-$13k to refurbish....no way! So I've got 25 miles of battery left, and I'm trading it in on Friday....A mobile technician is out today fixing the door handle on my husband's signature (for the 4th time since we've had the car)...a $300 fix, but then we will either trade that in for the Model S LR coming in June or sell on Shift.com...We are also selling a 2018 Model 3 that was my son's, but he's living in NYC so doesn't need it anymore....I'm looking forward to the refreshed cars (even if the updated headlights, etc., are not included)...although the guy with the blue Plaid referred to earlier in the thread mentioned that his VIN was 4726xx....so I'm feeling fairly confident with my 472673...:)