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Setec CCS to Tesla Adapter

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Thank you. I'm exchanging email with them but I'm not sure if they will replace my unit because I bought second hand from ebay.

Unfortunately they won’t send a new for me because I bought second hand from eBay.

Then I decided to open, see inside and researched about the wiring and finally removed all internal circuit boards and made it a passive adapter.

I understand this is not recommended based previous attempts due high temperatures but my particular need is around use my company free DC 50 kW charges at our offices and stay under the limits of the original design of the SETEC adapter.

I just tested and now I’m back on business. 😀


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Unfortunately they won’t send a new for me because I bought second hand from eBay.

Then I decided to open, see inside and researched about the wiring and finally removed all internal circuit boards and made it a passive adapter.

I understand this is not recommended based previous attempts due high temperatures but my particular need is around use my company free DC 50 kW charges at our offices and stay under the limits of the original design of the SETEC adapter.

I was worried about this until I saw the safety duck tape. Seriously, though, this is a nice solution. I doubt it will be a problem with a low amperage charger like that. :)
Unfortunately they won’t send a new for me because I bought second hand from eBay.

Then I decided to open, see inside and researched about the wiring and finally removed all internal circuit boards and made it a passive adapter.

I understand this is not recommended based previous attempts due high temperatures but my particular need is around use my company free DC 50 kW charges at our offices and stay under the limits of the original design of the SETEC adapter.

I just tested and now I’m back on business. 😀

ya, I didn't wanna say "go for it at 50kW" and then you burn down an orphanage or something, but if i had your situation i would have probably done what you did. LEGALDISCLAIMER


anyway, glad you're back up and running.

ya, I didn't wanna say "go for it at 50kW" and then you burn down an orphanage or something, but if i had your situation i would have probably done what you did. LEGALDISCLAIMER


anyway, glad you're back up and running.

Thanks. I know and I did on my own responsibility.
I was worried about this until I saw the safety duck tape. Seriously, though, this is a nice solution. I doubt it will be a problem with a low amperage charger like that. :)

So about the duck tape, I didn’t know that there are three hidden screws underneath the sticker with the adapter limitations near the Tesla side of the adapter and I ended up braking the piece when I was opening it.

I’ll replace the tape installing some kind of belt braces that I don’t know the right name in English. Sorry. Brazilian here. 🤣
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So about the duck tape, I didn’t know that there are three hidden screws underneath the sticker with the adapter limitations near the Tesla side of the adapter and I ended up braking the piece when I was opening it.

I’ll replace the tape installing some kind of belt braces that I don’t know the right name in English. Sorry. Brazilian here. 🤣
I think you are referring to what we call zip ties. Any structural problem can be solved with those, duck tape, bailing wire, and ratchet straps.
Supply chain. Easier to ship the car this way if that is the part holding it back and you have old inventory of control board.
stripped-down Gen4 board without the CCS chip is my guess. Should make for an easy replacement but will still cost me around $150 plus the cost of the adapter when it finally becomes available. I read reports of both M3 and MY manufactured between June-Sep 2021 in this exact situation.
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stripped-down Gen4 board without the CCS chip is my guess. Should make for an easy replacement but will still cost me around $150 plus the cost of the adapter when it finally becomes available. I read reports of both M3 and MY manufactured between June-Sep 2021 in this exact situation.
Yep, I picked up Sept 17th and do not have the ccs chip. Right there with ya.
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Hopefully the CCS chip retrofit is free. It’s not good for any automaker to strip the cars of parts before delivery AND make some buyers pay for it, while others don’t have to (because their cars weren’t stripped).
This sounded like deja vu, as I remembered hearing this in a previous comment. I went to check if this was also you, because I heard this exact same thing and responded to it and thought it might have been you repeating it here, but it turns out it was someone else who said it. But anyway, I'll just link my comment with the quote and the answer right here:

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I just read the previous post and the answer and……people will be upset. Those that want to buy a part that’s for sale on the Tesla website their car can’t use? Regardless if it’s in any official document or anything that explicitly states whether they have the chip or not, that’s not going to stop people from getting angry. So let’s see how Tesla handles it-Hopefully well.
I just read the previous post and the answer and……people will be upset.
Of course. People are unreasonable and have wrong expectations.
Those that want to buy a part that’s for sale on the Tesla website their car can’t use?
Huh? It's not for sale yet.
Regardless if it’s in any official document or anything that explicitly states whether they have the chip or not, that’s not going to stop people from getting angry.
Yeah, like I said--unreasonable.
So let’s see how Tesla handles it-Hopefully well.
Ha. You seem to be thinking of something unreasonable here of what you consider "well".

Here's the fact. Right up until this second, and for the near future, for all of the published information of what parts and features the cars have, NONE of the cars are supposed to have CCS compatibility included yet. None. It was not advertised as having that. People were not purchasing that. They should not have any expectation that it is there. Some cars have been getting it as an unannounced extra, but people should not have any right to expect it to be there.

You and others are getting this backward. Because some people were fortunate enough to get an extra bonus, you have now determined that it is everyone's RIGHT to have it, and if they don't, then they should demand to get it for free if they don't have it yet. That is just wrong. And if you think that Tesla should bow to people's tantrums like that, in order to "handle it well", then tough. People are going to be upset. Objectively, handling it "well" would just be that some people were lucky, and others will have to pay for that thing if they want it.
You and others are getting this backward. Because some people were fortunate enough to get an extra bonus, you have now determined that it is everyone's RIGHT to have it, and if they don't, then they should demand to get it for free if they don't have it yet.

You are completely missing the point.

Is it too much to ask that manufacturers make things identical for everyone they sell to? Excluding model years, trims, etc....what would you think if say, you bought a dishwasher and it had different (missing) small features that someone else bought, same trim, same year? Sure, of course, you could say, I have no RIGHT to say that HAD to have those features, and I should simply NOT BUY said dishwasher, and that's absolutely correct, I (and others like me) don't HAVE to buy that dishwasher. But it just makes that manufacturer look, not so great anymore. Lack of trust. If I was to continue to buy from that manufacturer, I'd look very carefully to see what I was (or not) getting.