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  1. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Lot of folks will tell you to hit it with the leaf blower/handheld mini blower to push the water out of the mirrors/crevices etc. It also drys the car without anything touching it. Then use a drying towel with a mist of detailer to lubricate the towel. Having a ceramic coat makes this step...
  2. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    This was more than a drift to the right, this was making the Lane Assist fight it and pinball in the lane. It was trying to pull right on a banked left hand turn. As my dad said, “better than pulling left”!
  3. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Picked her up today in Santa Barbara. Went over the car with a fine tooth comb and only found one issue, slight snag in the furthest forward dash material. Paint looked fantastic. Drove 80+ miles to the tint/PPF shop and noticed that it definitely pulls to the right. Appointment already...
  4. T

    California Window tint enforced?

    So here is a fun wrinkle… I happened to have a dermatologist appointment this morning (car delivery is tomorrow) and I asked the doc about a note for darker tint. She was all about it and now I’m armed with a doctors letter recommending darker tint on my vehicle. Gonna have to do some research...
  5. T

    California Window tint enforced?

    So I guess the question would be are they citing folks for having ANY front window tint or are they citing them after pulling them over and testing the percentage at which the front windows are tinted? That would be legit, but you said "no tint is allowed on the front driver's/passenger's side...
  6. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Give it a Google and see what I’m seeing. My tint guy said that doing 70 on the front windshield is technically illegal, but so unnoticeable that there generally isn’t any issue. For front windows, he said certain areas are more/less restrictive. I like the even look so I’m going either 25 or...
  7. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Are you sure that is accurate? Everywhere I’ve read says that legally you are allowed tint on the top 4 inches of the front windshield. And the driver/passenger front windows can legally be tinted to a max of 30%.
  8. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    For those that have dealt with the service centers before...what are the odds that you show up to have your wheels balanced, having previously removed the aeros and they tell you that their removal makes them out of spec and therefore only suggest putting them back on? I'm curious what the...
  9. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Man, they did not like me moving the delivery date to Saturday. They said that if I changed it again they would cancel the order and Saturday is the last day to pick up the car. I hope I don't have other car issues or get mauled by a lion (we are using the trip south as an opportunity to hit the...
  10. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Mostly using an orbital but by hand in the tight spaces. I'll probably tape off a fair bit to try and keep things consistent and mostly use the orbital. I'm going to try out the ChemGuys P4 Perfection Polish, I've got something with a higher cut but hope to not need that on a new car! 🤞
  11. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I’ll be doing that but will incorporate iron remover in the wash/clay process, I’ll put on approx 150 miles getting her from delivery to tint and then home. I will also be doing a fine polish on the areas not PPF, make sure it sparkles before sealing it up. Gonna be fun!
  12. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    So I got it sorted and they said it would be fine. Ended up having to change delivery to Saturday the 29th and my wife will be able to attend, so no more issues. Frustrating day trying to get the car, but it’s gonna work out for the best to wait.
  13. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That’s good news, we both test drove in late April and they have both our licenses (& on the app as well). Maybe it’s by state? I’ve talked to a few folks at my delivery location that had it work. I’ll swing by my local place today and see if they can offer any guidance.
  14. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I wonder if printing the docs and having her sign them and bring with, just in case, might help my cause. Seems like it’s 50/50 if this is gonna work solo tomorrow.
  15. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    So how serious is the “all registered owners must be at delivery”? The boss lady has a minor wrist surgery and can’t attend. Are they gonna turn me down from taking delivery and handing them a crap ton of money?
  16. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    If I have learned anything from this board it is that you really have to nudge Tesla along as you try to take possession of your vehicle. After getting my VIN last night and completing my tasks, the EDD changed but I could not schedule delivery. Messaged them through the app explaining I had...
  17. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Well scratch that…VIN assigned at 6:50p!! Woohoo!!
  18. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Interesting. For those days it sat at the delivery location, did you have a VIN that whole time? Unfortunately my local place is not a delivery location, but they have been helpful. Any contact through the app has been near worthless.
  19. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    And the “one day at a time” march continues. Now 6/22-6/30. No VIN. Starting to get where work/travel plans are getting to be an issue. Definitely going to make it tough to drop off the car at tint/PPF. Edit: I also wonder if it’s going to slide all the way back to the end of the month and then...
  20. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    My EDD has perhaps started its “one day at a time” march. Moved to 6/21-6/30 from 6/20-6/30.
  21. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Same here but my EDD started today. Perhaps a bit of an update in the morning. Fingers crossed. Kinda bummed, was hoping to be able to swing by the delivery site on my way home from AZ.
  22. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Probably differentiate between sales or service employees vs manufacturing in the plant. Maybe one is salary and the other is hourly?
  23. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Well it looks like they DO take off Juneteenth. Whatya know?
  24. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I wonder if Tesla takes federal holidays off? No VIN reports so far this AM. Yeah, that’s what I’m going with.
  25. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I gotta think they are working up the coast, furthest to closest this week. I've waxed on about being patient and today I am having to take my own medicine. My 4/27 OD still sits with no VIN but I am doing my best to keep the faith that its going to happen this week. My earlier guess for VIN was...
  26. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That's too bad, you were probably a few days away from an updated EDD and a VIN. Best case scenario, you get what you want, don't have to wait. I just hope somewhere down the road you don't regret the choice to go full baller with the M3P.
  27. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    We are just gonna go ahead and not tell my wife that little snippet of information. I wonder if it’s battery sourcing leniency or if they are going to start putting the Panasonic into the LR?
  28. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I find it interesting that people still get upset about later orders getting cars before them. Tesla is publicly traded and their responsibility is to their shareholders to maximize profits. While it may not be “fair” to give a recent order a VIN when earlier orders are unfulfilled, it is...
  29. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    It’s kind of interesting, it really seems like they are sending out VINs as far away as they can deliver by end of month and then walking them back closer and closer to Fremont. A few days ago there was some Midwest and East Coast VINs, the last couple days were PNW and AZ, my guess is a whole...
  30. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…you have about 9,421 posts to get caught up on! Welcome to the thread and get reading!! In all seriousness, welcome and congrats on your future whip!
  31. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I agree on the push. I keep thinking of the SA telling me it had an expected build date of 6/18. So I’m hoping to see a VIN on or about that day and delivery on the front end of the EDD. Also half expecting none of that to happen and I get to continue watching late May orders take delivery. It’s...
  32. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    EDD changed from 6/13-6/27 and is now 6/20-6/30. Narrowed a bit and the long end slightly pushed back. Curious if you other CA folks with similar EDDs got the same treatment?
  33. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Definitely more cars this week!
  34. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Hmm that is two PNW, both in White/Black. Once is by chance, twice is a coincidence, can we get “three times” to show a pattern? Either way I think this is good news for those EDDs on the west coast before the end of the month. Definitely good news for you guys, congrats!! Stoked for you!!
  35. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Same. Very curious to see how the next two weeks shake out. Last time I stopped by my local service center the SA said he saw an estimated build date of approx 6/18 and that would fit in the timeline. I think that has a 51% chance of playing out. The other 49% is evil monkey strikes again and a...
  36. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I see this as a positive development. The back end didn't move and the window tightened. Being in the Bay Area you could get a VIN on the 25th and still take delivery before end of Q2. Or the evil EDD monkey could strike again.
  37. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    But, but, but your EDD was at one time July-August. How could this be? Is the sky not falling? VINs are simply a construct of the mind! 😱
  38. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Reason I asked is that there are a number of West Coasters that had a similar change to EDD later last week. A few here have surmised that there is a chance that Tesla will try and fill the more local orders before the end of Q2. Good luck to you, keep us updated if it changes and be sure to add...
  39. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That will likely change on Tuesday around 7a local time. Probably slide back 6-7 days. Are you West Coast?
  40. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I think the earlier theory of getting some of the far away early adopters taken care of and then as the quarter wraps up they are going to bombard the west coast for rapid deliveries is playing out. That’s four very similar EDD changes, all California orders. It’s going down before June is up. I...
  41. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    My EDD was pushed back 6 days, was 6/7-6/21, now it’s 6/13-6/27. Not tightened, still a two week window. Ordered 4/27 in CenCal.
  42. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Dammit. You typed it and now you said it...why must you diddle the bolts? 😱
  43. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I mean it could be as simple as they had a few trains leave this morning and cleared out the lot. EDDs are tightening and people are getting cars. Saul Goodman!
  44. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That was very similar to my exchange the other day. Guy showed me his screen that had an expected build date and expected delivery date. He said it was somewhat speculative until a VIN is assigned but there system did have expected dates that he shared. Now I also had a similar interaction a...
  45. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    Are you sure the location 40 miles from you handles deliveries? My local store is 20 miles away but are not doing deliveries yet as they are less than a year old. Im having to drive 140 miles to my pickup location. It may be worth a drive to the local place though, I got that same runaround...
  46. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    I wonder if someone is going to make a little video of what they look like in motion without the inserts? Anyone? Yes, I have a sickness...
  47. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That’s my same EDD. I went into the local SC yesterday and the guy showed me the expected build date of 6/18, with a delivery on 6/20. He gave me the “currently no VIN, not guaranteed” caveat. But at least it’s something. Guy was super knowledgeable and normally works at my original delivery...
  48. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    That’s my experience. Out of college I had a little 325ci and was heading down the 405 to visit family in OC. CHP did not like that I passed him on the left while going the speed limit at night. Cited the lack of plate and “aggressive driving” as the reason he pulled me. Basically he went...
  49. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    In CA we also have the option to do a PPF style sticker for the front license plate. You can only order it to mirror your traditional plate. Not sure if it’s a great option, but I’m sure some will think it’s better than the traditional options. https://licenseplatewrap.com/ Me, I plan to roll...
  50. T

    Model 3 Performance/Ludicrous Waiting Room

    You don’t have to go in and act like an ass. There is nothing wrong with being assertive and simply asking for some clarity. If I were you I’d show up right when they open and seek some answers. That way they are fresh and have a full shift to get annoyed by truly awful people.