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7.1 Beta Testers - constructive suggestions

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Hey beta testers, This thread is intended to be a compilation of feedback on changes we'd like to see implemented in 7.1. Let's try to keep this realistic and not too far fetched. And, please, no AP feedback. There's an abundance of existing threads where you can voice your gripes. These suggestions should be mostly contained to the UI elements given the sub forum.

I'll start us off. Please, please, please restore sanity to the climate control tab and indicators. In 6.2 I could see at a glance fan speed, recirc, and AC mode. In 7.0 this functionality was eliminated. Also eliminated in 7.0 was access to the setting while I'm auto mode. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so if you don't know what I'm talking about:

(Also, props to anyone who submits feedback relating to the toy car. Hint: make it optional perhaps?)


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Can you resolve this conflict in your OP? I can nuke this post after that's addressed. Thanks.
The toy car is in classic Model S as well (as you know well) - so I don't see this as AP feedback.

My feedback: Regardless of classic or AP car, I want to be able to switch to a traditional instrument cluster with a large round speedometer with the very intuitive power meter including power limits. Here's a picture how that could look:

So if the driver turns off Autosteer, give them back what you took away to make space for the AP visualization.
I'll start us off. Please, please, please restore sanity to the climate control tab and indicators. In 6.2 I could see at a glance fan speed, recirc, and AC mode. In 7.0 this functionality was eliminated. Also eliminated in 7.0 was access to the setting while I'm auto mode. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so if you don't know what I'm talking about:

Hey, that's my pic from three weeks ago!!
The toy car is in classic Model S as well (as you know well) - so I don't see this as AP feedback.

My feedback: Regardless of classic or AP car, I want to be able to switch to a traditional instrument cluster with a large round speedometer with the very intuitive power meter including power limits. Here's a picture how that could look:
View attachment 103801
So if the driver turns off Autosteer, give them back what you took away to make space for the AP visualization.

Wow, that's super clear and easy to read. What a huge improvement that mock-up sample UI is </sarcasm>
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So if the driver turns off Autosteer, give them back what you took away to make space for the AP visualization.
Interesting idea. I totally get that TM does not want to have different interfaces for AP vs non-AP cars, but what you suggested solves that dilemma: Have the standard (e.g.: 6.2) interface when AP is not engaged, and bring up the stupid toy car when it is engaged.
Interesting idea. I totally get that TM does not want to have different interfaces for AP vs non-AP cars, but what you suggested solves that dilemma: Have the standard (e.g.: 6.2) interface when AP is not engaged, and bring up the stupid toy car when it is engaged.
Needs more finesse then that, I use that "toy car" display to decide when to use AP or not (lets me see what the car sees so I know if it's reliably seeing the road lines for instance)
The "toy car" also provides vastly improved blind spot monitoring over what 6.2 had.

I'm not saying don't do it, I actually like the idea, but there needs to be a bit more to it then that.
Here's my list:

1. Please return the at-a-glance view of the climate control status. It is very handy. I now must take my eyes off the road more in order to press the button and then see it's status. For me, that's a big safety issue. I adjust the climate control constantly because, while good, it just does not fit my needs. Knowing whether I am on recirc and which vents are working is quite useful for me. It takes no more valuable real estate than it did before, compared to the new uninformative button. I am not unhappy with the climate except for one area: please, please, please, send more air to the floor vents when set solely to floor. I expect that about 75% of the air goes to the dash--an overreaction to the very early fogging issue before they replaced the defrost vents. My feet and legs are always cold, no matter how hot I get the car. Then I am boiling with cold feet. It's an easy SW fix! I have seen several complaints about this, have taken my car in, and gotten the "it's designed that way". It wasn't originally. It was reprogrammed.
2. Allow us to choose which settings are memorized into each driver setting in the controls menu. While it is cool that it remembers so many different settings, such as climate, seat heat, display brightness, I have never been able to figure which ones are set when I memorize my seat position, vs. remembering the last HVAC, etc settings I had while I was in a particular setting. It seems to remember some without saving and others only when saving. I find that every time I switch from my "town" setting to my "highway" setting, the temp is completely wrong, seat heaters are either on or off when I don't want them and the display setting change completely; all based on the last time I selected that setting, without resaving. The issue I see here is that I may change my seat setting at different exterior temps, times of day, etc. So I end up having to reset more things than I would if I simply readjusted the seat. The idea is great and cool. The implementation is highly annoying for me.
3. Add one-click arrows to the EQ and balance setting so that I can inch the settings one way or the other. It is practically impossible to change setting to a fairly fine degree while driving. When I use the very cool balance interface, it jumps all over the place and I cannot move it in small increments. Only big jumps, such as from 0 to five, when all I want is 0 to 1. Same applies to the EQ. Being that the upgraded hifi has less than ideal imaging, it takes a fine touch to get a good sound that is well balanced.
4. When I fold the mirrors due to a very tight parking spot, keep them folded until I unfold. Just today, I had to shoehorn my car into an absurdly small spot. I folded the mirrors-no problem. But I shimmied out of the car and had to open the back door to get my briefcase. The mirrors unfolded and hit the wall on the right. Fortunately there was no marring of the finish. I really do not want to have to change my setting on the center screen just to get out of the car.
5. Please get rid of the useless clock on the IP. That real estate could provide so much more information while still showing time and temp. I do not see the need for a giant analog clock that also shows a digital clock, with temp, in an area that takes up 1/3rd the IP, when it can be shown in a 20mm space at the bottom, as it was done. I can let go of the day/date, though I did like it.
6. I don't mind the toy car at all. I actually find that it does provide useful info. I find it especially useful to know when my brakes lights come on due to regen. I have been concerned that I am driving people behind me nuts when in regen, because it looks like I am constantly hitting the brakes: something that drives me crazy with people in front of me. "Old man/lady syndrome". So I have become much better at using regen without initiating the brake lights. Plus...the car is kinda cute. I do find the new display to be informative when in AP. I do miss the old circular gauge. But I have adjusted.
7. I find the new circular energy graph in the IP a bit hard to monitor while driving. I saw a prototype where the width of the orange and green graphs were quite a bit thicker. I think that would be easier to understand at a quick glance and I personally found it more attractive.
8. I find the new skeuomorphic design to look cheap and cartoonish. Looks like a Fisher Price toy to me. But I understand that this is the new style. I just don't happen to like it. I still don't even know WTF skeuomorphic means!!! And I am too cranky to look it up!

All in all, it's a great interface. I would like Tesla to incorporate more user input into their design change decisions prior to implementation. Based on what I have read on TMC, it does not look they are doing that yet. And I am still madly in love with the best car ever invented.
I have a few minor ones that should be easy to implement:

1. The new driver console power meter/graph is great, but missing some information that would make it really convenient and useful for those of us who have to push the range, without requiring that we use the big center display.

a. Included a basic scale on the graph including a green line that shows the consumption required to hit rated range. This is like on the center console energy display.

b. Include projected and instantaneous range, again like on the center console.

c. It should include a "distance to next charge" whenever the GPS is engaged, with the yellow/read warnings if you've got trouble.

d. Add some colour! The current display reminds me of a 1988 laptop orange plasma display.

2. You shouldn't have to go to a separate display for tire pressure. If the "trip computer" display (on the drive console) were re-arranged a bit it could easily go there.
Some of my points will echo previous suggestions, but I suspect many votes for the same items will carry more weight:

  1. Fix HVAC operation - specifically low heat/fan on auto settings
  2. Restore HVAC "at-a-glance" indicators - The small fan/vent/recirc icons on the center console panel were useful
  3. FIX HVAC vent status - on the HVAC sup-panel the vent status indication when in auto mode is broken
  4. Swap odometer and range counter positions - (specifically on non-AP cars) Range is oft-referred to, and should be center, odo on lower left
  5. Increase display contrast - items such as speedo/power meter tick marks, and many other elements, are gray on darker gray and difficult to see in many circumstances (sunglasses on looking in to a setting sun)
  6. Labeling on dash power meter - Return the scale markings
  7. Date & Time - bring it back to the dash
  8. Tire pressure - bring back the "Low" warning, now it only warns at "Very Low"
  9. NAV waypoints - Ability to add waypoints along a route. Please.
  10. NAV supercharger edit stops - Ability to delete individual charging stops along a calulated route, rather than only having option to delete all
  11. Icons on center console - Return the "graduated battery" icon for charging page - Using the same icon (lightning bolt) for a control that does different things (charging screen as well as NAV supercharger toggle) is inconsistent and potentially confusing. Plus the graduated battery provided another "at a glance" indicator of SOC.

I'm sure I'll think of more later (most likely when I see somebody else post it :eek:.

Thanks to the OP for the thread. I hope we can keep it focused and concise, and thus useful to Tesla and the beta folks....
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Three more simple ones:

1. Buttons on the main screen for the rear seat heaters! Or ability for rear passengers to turn them on/off via Tesla app. I hate diving through screens for something that the rear seat passengers should be able to control themselves.

2. A button that clears ALL of the GPS raise/lower/fold points.

3. GPS fold is great. But don't unfold when starting. I turned this feature off because I'm afraid of taking off a mirror when backing out of my narrow garage.
Please suggest finally addressing NAV. Can't trust directions, very inaccurate in my area (SoCal) and needs basic features.

P.S. Also I love the car renderings (toy car)!


Tesla navigation sucks so completely I lack words to express. And Tesla doesn't seem to care at all. Trip Planner doesn't work worth sh*t and Musk held a press conference about it ending range anxiety. It's still BETA! Musk, unfortunately, is a liability from a software development standpoint because he doesn't appear to care about anything other than Autopilot. It seems that fixing existing software isn't very sexy or fun. I'd love to know what so many software engineers at Tesla are doing when the existing navigation and media functions suck so hard you can hear the sound.

I recently charged at the Dublin, CA store and for over an hour. I witnessed six Tesla employees trying on Tesla jackets as if they were customers. They also stood around the front desk talking to each other about where they were going to party in San Francisco that night. Unbelievable! You'd think they would have something to do other than yak with each other and try on clothes.

Seems like working at some Tesla locations is a free ride.
I must be the only one who finds the navigation quite acceptable... :) Maybe it's because I'm coming from a Chevy? :) On that note though, I'd second any other suggestions I've seen thus far.

1. Please fix the bug that prevents you from muting audio when the parking sensors have detected something... For instance, say I'm in a drive thru line and the car is sensing the car in front of me, I can't mute the audio by pressing in the scroll wheel... I can simply turn it down... It shouldn't be that hard to be able to mute the audio without muting the "oh crap you're going to hit something" chimes.
2. Please give me a web browser that doesn't completely and totally suck. It's like I'm using netscape navigator from 1998... No I'm not asking for plugin support or anything like that. Just give me a reasonably fast HTML5 optimized browser and that'd be a huge improvement...
3. I'd like to see the driver profile tied to what device bluetooth is picking up. I have to constantly switch devices from my wife's to mine when we both get in the car and she drove it last.

I'm sure I'll come up with more... :)


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I recently charged at the Dublin, CA store and for over an hour. I witnessed six Tesla employees trying on Tesla jackets as if they were customers. They also stood around the front desk talking to each other about where they were going to party in San Francisco that night. Unbelievable! You'd think they would have something to do other than yak with each other and try on clothes.

Seems like working at some Tesla locations is a free ride.

What's the point of this comment? Have you ever worked in retail? If there are no customers to assist then what exactly do you want them to do? Sit and stare at the wall???
