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The next big milestone for FSD is 11. It is a significant upgrade and fundamental changes to several parts of the FSD stack including totally new way to train the perception NN.

From AI day and Lex Fridman interview we have a good sense of what might be included.

- Object permanence both temporal and spatial
- Moving from “bag of points” to objects in NN
- Creating a 3D vector representation of the environment all in NN
- Planner optimization using NN / Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
- Change from processed images to “photon count” / raw image
- Change from single image perception to surround video
- Merging of city, highway and parking lot stacks a.k.a. Single Stack

Lex Fridman Interview of Elon. Starting with FSD related topics.

Here is a detailed explanation of Beta 11 in "layman's language" by James Douma, interview done after Lex Podcast.

Here is the AI Day explanation by in 4 parts.


Here is a useful blog post asking a few questions to Tesla about AI day. The useful part comes in comparison of Tesla's methods with Waymo and others (detailed papers linked).

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Wipers on the latest build seemed to act quite a bit better. It seemed like pressing the button while they were on told the car to take a new baseline snapshot since each time I did that the wipers adjusted to a more adequate speed. I wouldn't discount the chance it was a coincidence but they seemed better.
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Nags are greatly reduced if you are paying attention, look down or at the car screen too long and they'll immediately come up.
I think there has been a change affecting road attention alerts within the last couple released. I don't mean steering wheel torque nags, but nags for looking the wrong place. I used to get them essentially never, and now I get more than one per day, usually when I am looking at the Tesla's own screen. I do wear glasses, often ones that have just a little tint. Maybe the older releases could not resolve my eye position as well as do the newest ones. Or maybe they just tightened this up overall.
Almost everything on social media that’s related to FSDj is clickbait and shill nonsense. There are only a couple of certain people who actually give you a real deal footage of how the junk is. The rest are just losers who work Elon’s marketing department for free.
"I'm the only truthful person in this world. Everyone else is bad."
I think there is a planning/lane change issue with 11.4.2.

Yesterday I had a couple of really bad examples.

In one instance on city roads at the last minute, FSD changed the lane to a right turn only lane and couldn't get back to go straight. It took the turn and I had to disengage to get back on the correct road, instead of following a long detour.

This is where it decides to take the right turn lane rather than go straight.


In the second instance - with just a short distance left for exit on the freeway, FSD flashed a message saying changing lane to follow route. But, changed to the left lane instead of the exit lane on the right ! Again couldn't get back to the correct lane and had to take a bad detour that doubled the trip time.

As you can see below (you can see the faint blue tinge to the left lane), instead of changing to the right turn lane, FSD is trying to switch to the left lane - claiming it is changing to follow the route.


And seconds later switches back to the original lane - but is too late to change the lane again to take the exit.


I don't know what happened in the first instance ... but I think what is happening in the freeway exit scenario is that FSD is changing lanes to get ahead of "slow traffic" in the exit (and adjacent) lanes. So, instead of moving to the right to exit - it moves to the left ! It is as if the short term move to avoid traffic is happening independent of the long term planner.

Someone else mentioned this a couple of days back too and noted its as if left/right flag has been flipped.
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If there wasn’t “extreme right”, there wouldn’t have to be “extreme left”. I fell for the shills nonsense and wasted $10k on the junk. If there was more naysayers when I did my research, I would’ve been more hesitant and might’ve stayed clear until it’s polished enough to be useful.
Possibly true granted some have Extreme expectations that will never be managed. Judging the technology by how well it manages the juice in your sippy cup comes to mind… lol.
If there wasn’t “extreme right”, there wouldn’t have to be “extreme left”. I fell for the shills nonsense and wasted $10k on the junk. If there was more naysayers when I did my research, I would’ve been more hesitant and might’ve stayed clear until it’s polished enough to be useful.
Yep and after 9 years of this nonsense I bet even here today there are a few of those koolaid bladder busters in the mix.
Someone else mentioned this a couple of days back too and noted its as if left/right flag has been flipped.
This is only loosely related, but my 2021 BMW m240 Nav system on rare occasions switches "left" and "right" when giving the final voice prompt before a maneuver, even though the preparatory prompts were correct. It's rare enough I thought it was my imagination, but I recently confirmed it is real. I haven't figured out a pattern. But I wonder if there is some common error making it into the map data for both cars.
Ok some of you may be having bad experiences with 4.2, but for me, it's significantly better than 3.6.

4.2 has different behavior and is more likely to stutter when turning or accelerating, but overall, it's doing a lot things right.

Merging on highway and merging with yields is better for me as well. Everything feels a lot safer, although all the unnecessary slowdowns do give me some anxiety about rear ends.
still waiting on getting 2023.7.10, one of the first things for me to try is that weird navigation where it picks completely the wrong turn in the wrong direction. Then see if it still attempts to take a sharp right into my neighborhood at 35 mph instead of the more practical 20mph that it needs to be :)
More miles this morning, 11.4.2 is definitely an improvement over 11.3.6. Both highway and city driving feel a lot better. Car exits the passing lane sooner on the highway, seems a little more assertive around town. Lane choices are sooner/better around town. One trouble spot I’ve always had is now fixed. Lots more to test this week though.
I agree and am not a YouTuber. It completed the first intervention free trip in SoCal. In city and then merging on highway in a complicated merge scenario of off and on highway sub lane with traffic getting off and on at the same time. Never successfully done this before 11.4.2. In average mode.
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The cone placement is so bad, it's almost like it's part of a different system.
You can't tell what the cone placement is; all you can tell is where the on screen visualization is. And yes, this is part of a different system. It is utterly irrelevant to the actual ability of FSD to drive. It's there only to make you (un)comfortable.

There is no reason whatsoever to believe that the visualizations are closely or accurately tied to what the vehicle perceives.
[ranting or crying]The longer I sit on 11.3.6 the more I wish I could just get 23.12.10. At least I would have the latest features. At this point on 22.45.15 there is only a disadvantage of being on the "advanced" Beta path.[/ranting or crying]
Seems straightforward enough to me. Just remove yourself from the FSD beta program. Then, once you've been updated to a new version of the software, request FSD beta. That should result in your getting 23.12.10.

Surely somebody has tried this already.
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The poor cone placement on the visualization often corresponds to erratic driving through construction zones though.

Not surprising. Correlation is not causation though. Imagine for a moment that you are the programmer who is writing the software for this complex, real-time system with many competing demands. When a critical portion of the system demands extra memory or processing power to keep up with a complex situation, what do you do?

Me, I would make sure that non-critical parts of the system get deprioritized for a while. That way any lag and error show up in things like visualizations and wiper action and ventilation adjustment and such, rather than in ways that might be more seriously undesirable.

Your body works the same way. Whenever there's safety critical stuff going on, less urgent things get deprioritized.
Not surprising. Correlation is not causation though. Imagine for a moment that you are the programmer who is writing the software for this complex, real-time system with many competing demands. When a critical portion of the system demands extra memory or processing power to keep up with a complex situation, what do you do?

Me, I would make sure that non-critical parts of the system get deprioritized for a while. That way any lag and error show up in things like visualizations and wiper action and ventilation adjustment and such, rather than in ways that might be more seriously undesirable.

Your body works the same way. Whenever there's safety critical stuff going on, less urgent things get deprioritized.
But FSD and visualization don’t run on the same compute. My guess is FSD passes on the coordinates of objects to the computer that handles visualization.
The visualization and the driving always have a 1:1 correlation in my experience. Anything the car is doing in real life can be seen on the visualization (especially wrt to the pathing), granted there are many situations where the car is responding to / braking for something that isn't on the visualization.

I do agree that there's some mismatch between the cone visualizations and response: visualization shows cones that the car just drives over (rather than driving around).
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Just back from a 2700 mile trip to San Diego, Yosemite, and Sonoma wine country. 3.6 was nice overall but moving out of the passing lane unprompted was my main “issue” - rarely does it unless someone is riding your butt. Any improvement on 4.2? Have another long trip in Sep, hope it’s fixed by then. Otherwise no real complaints.