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Anyone else find FSD Beta a little turn signal happy?

Anytime a lane gets added or taken away, FSD always signals even if it’s staying in the lane it’s already in. It’s a little disconcerting TBH.
Yes! Going around an S turn and I was laughing as the car put on a signal on each turn. On that note, it was worse about doing the S curve consistently - lots more jerky with braking to almost stopping then spinning the steering wheel. The previous release was much smoother. On the flip side, I wish it would keep the turn signal going when off of AP and you switch between the main lane and a turn lane.

Tesla has some work to do on seeing and avoiding ditches. In my neighborhood, we don't have many finished curbs but there's exposed drainage pipe underneath at the corners and it's close calls at times.
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Yes! Going around an S turn and I was laughing as the car put on a signal on each turn. On that note, it was worse about doing the S curve consistently - lots more jerky with braking to almost stopping then spinning the steering wheel. The previous release was much smoother. On the flip side, I wish it would keep the turn signal going when off of AP and you switch between the main lane and a turn lane.

Tesla has some work to do on seeing and avoiding ditches. In my neighborhood, we don't have many finished curbs but there's exposed drainage pipe underneath at the corners and it's close calls at times.
I’d be happier if it could figure out where my driveway is. 😝
Blows right past it every time thus far.
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Was a reasonably nice day here yesterday, so I finally got a chance to play around with it some more. It handled the typical road stuff quite well, but failed some pretty basic stuff too:

Stopped in a right hand turn freeflow lane (I've seen someone get rear ended at this exact location for doing this).

Stopped in a dedicated right hand turn lane with yield sign (light was green my way and no turning traffic) - I gave it ~3 seconds before taking over - again because people will rear end you. Apparently also will not turn right on a red light, which might be connected.

Stopped at a low speed residential uncontrolled T intersection and crept (half of walking speed) around the corner.

The car also apparently doesn't read the yellow suggested speed signs. I have a corner in my cul-de-sac that is modestly hair-pin and the sign suggests 20km/h, which is slightly too slow on dry pavement, but midaswell be ludicrous speed in winter (read:now). Naturally the car started accelerating to 40km/h and keep to the right hand side of the road. To be fair, I've seen a sideswiped car or two parked on that corner, so it's mostly bad road design (the guy who lives there extended his driveyway for 3 cars and replaced what was left of his grass with decorative stone, which is normally a no-no, but I think he had a pretty strong case for the extra off street parking).
Got it this morning too. When I went out to play with the new features, my heat was dead. Been dead all day now. Tried multiple resets, including 12v reset, and even a software reinstall through service mode. Nothing. I think the heat pump crapped out, unrelated to the update but just a coincidence I guess…
Got it this morning too. When I went out to play with the new features, my heat was dead. Been dead all day now. Tried multiple resets, including 12v reset, and even a software reinstall through service mode. Nothing. I think the heat pump crapped out, unrelated to the update but just a coincidence I guess…
Did you try changing the temperature setpoint to "Hi"? I had an issue once with the temperature sensor, and it thought the car was up to temp, so it would not put heat on, unless it was set to "Hi", which doesn't care about the interior temp.
Did you try changing the temperature setpoint to "Hi"? I had an issue once with the temperature sensor, and it thought the car was up to temp, so it would not put heat on, unless it was set to "Hi", which doesn't care about the interior temp.
Oh yes. Tried everything, just stuck staring at the “climate control needs service“ message.


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I finally got myself updated a couple of days ago to 2022.44.25.5. The first time I tried an FSD beta was last evening. I’m glad I was vigilant. My car made a left turn from a stop sign. Immediately there was a train track to cross. The train track has been unused for decades. Immediately after the train track is a traffic light. The light was red. The FSD beta was taking me through the red light until I braked and back up.


Today I was southbound on Cowichan Bay Road. My destination was to the north on TransCanada Highway. FSD knew to signal my right turn, then promptly moved into the left turn lane. Yikes!


For my usage, this is very definitely a “work in progress”.
I got your first chance to use it this morning and and on several occasions it would wave right and left inside the lane markers. On one occasion it decided to move into a left turn lane before turning on the blinker and getting back into the original lane. I‘be had good luck with the last several updates but this one not good So far.
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Installed 2022.44.30.5 (FSD the other day. I'm finding that FSD tends to touch brakes now for dark patches on the road, which is a bit of an issue especially with black ice. Anyone else seeing this?
Further to this, be careful! I've had a couple of incidents already with the car suddenly swerving to avoid nothing (in one case, I caught it before it went straight on into oncoming traffic). Glad I had my hands on the wheel tight enough to catch it.
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I installed 2022.44.30.5 (FSD, my first experience with the FSD beta, in December. When I bought FSD capability in 2019, I didn’t believe that I would ever see the hands-free driving, robo-taxi, get-in-the-back-seat-and-go hoopla. I bought it because I tend to keep a vehicle for 10-20 years. I expected that as I age and my driving abilities (might?) become reduced, the driving abilities of the car will improve.

So far, I have been both impressed and terrified. It’s abilities to navigate impress me. It’s faulty decision making terrifies me. At times I feel like I am being driven by a 16 year old learner. Fair enough, I guess that is what it is. But at times it feels like the 16 year old has had a couple of drinks as well.

There is one intersection where the FSD beta has repeatedly tried to drive through a red light. At the same intersection it has tried to stop at the green light when there was no traffic nearby. There are controlled intersections where there are two left turn lanes. The FSD beta seems to always go into the left of the two lanes, even when it knows that it has to make a right turn within a hundred meters or less after the left turn. The car can’t manage that because the human drivers who are making the immediate right turn are all in the correct lane. I have to take over.

Just as I would be highly vigilant if I were with a 16 year old learning driver, I find that I am highly vigilant when driving in FSD mode.

Having said these things, I am happy with the progress that Tesla is making on the FSD software. When people blame the FSD beta software for accidents, I think of the advisories that Tesla gives repeatedly. The driver must remain vigilant and be ready to take over immediately.
I installed 2022.44.30.5 (FSD, my first experience with the FSD beta, in December. When I bought FSD capability in 2019, I didn’t believe that I would ever see the hands-free driving, robo-taxi, get-in-the-back-seat-and-go hoopla. I bought it because I tend to keep a vehicle for 10-20 years. I expected that as I age and my driving abilities (might?) become reduced, the driving abilities of the car will improve.

So far, I have been both impressed and terrified. It’s abilities to navigate impress me. It’s faulty decision making terrifies me. At times I feel like I am being driven by a 16 year old learner. Fair enough, I guess that is what it is. But at times it feels like the 16 year old has had a couple of drinks as well.

There is one intersection where the FSD beta has repeatedly tried to drive through a red light. At the same intersection it has tried to stop at the green light when there was no traffic nearby. There are controlled intersections where there are two left turn lanes. The FSD beta seems to always go into the left of the two lanes, even when it knows that it has to make a right turn within a hundred meters or less after the left turn. The car can’t manage that because the human drivers who are making the immediate right turn are all in the correct lane. I have to take over.

Just as I would be highly vigilant if I were with a 16 year old learning driver, I find that I am highly vigilant when driving in FSD mode.

Having said these things, I am happy with the progress that Tesla is making on the FSD software. When people blame the FSD beta software for accidents, I think of the advisories that Tesla gives repeatedly. The driver must remain vigilant and be ready to take over immediately.
What surprised me is how quickly and pronounced when it initiated what I think was an avoidance maneuver but instead actually went into oncoming traffic. The steering wheel literally slipped/turned about 4 inches under my loose hands before I got a hold of it. Unlike the situation at the Golden Gate bridge (I think) where the driver could have taken over easily and not had any issues.
Yeah, dug this thread back up 😝

Just got the latest FSD update. Lotta good improvements, a few edge cases still present, but I wanted to ask if anyone else is having their car camp in the passing lane on highways in FSD? It’s a little disconcerting. Occasionally it’ll go back into the right hand lane, but not as often as it should IMHO.
Yeah, dug this thread back up 😝

Just got the latest FSD update. Lotta good improvements, a few edge cases still present, but I wanted to ask if anyone else is having their car camp in the passing lane on highways in FSD? It’s a little disconcerting. Occasionally it’ll go back into the right hand lane, but not as often as it should IMHO.
Mine does that and after also rarely gets out of the acceleration lanes on its own.

Also. Wish I could tell it to drive in the express. It seems to heavily favour the collector lanes