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The next big milestone for FSD is 11. It is a significant upgrade and fundamental changes to several parts of the FSD stack including totally new way to train the perception NN.

From AI day and Lex Fridman interview we have a good sense of what might be included.

- Object permanence both temporal and spatial
- Moving from “bag of points” to objects in NN
- Creating a 3D vector representation of the environment all in NN
- Planner optimization using NN / Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
- Change from processed images to “photon count” / raw image
- Change from single image perception to surround video
- Merging of city, highway and parking lot stacks a.k.a. Single Stack

Lex Fridman Interview of Elon. Starting with FSD related topics.

Here is a detailed explanation of Beta 11 in "layman's language" by James Douma, interview done after Lex Podcast.

Here is the AI Day explanation by in 4 parts.


Here is a useful blog post asking a few questions to Tesla about AI day. The useful part comes in comparison of Tesla's methods with Waymo and others (detailed papers linked).

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Stop parking your car in your bomb shelter lol

This is incorrect about building heights since there are several high-rises and even one skyscraper (over 150M/500') and the 8,000 spaces are pubic parking and don't include the residential and office space parking spaces. When it rains I run in the deck and it is over 1 ¼ miles in circumference.

We even have a 30 stall Tesla Supercharger site in the deck.

Screenshot 2023-12-23 at 6.32.51 PM.png
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2023.44.30.6 became available to me today and I installed it this morning on my HW4 2023 Model S. Plaid this afternoon. After one six mile drive using FSD, the only difference in performance that I noticed was the overhead view while I was in reverse. I thought it looked like a fuzzy cloud with colors representing proximity, but it did not seem to be very accurate. I intentionally backed up close to my truck and the image seemed to indicate I was further away than I actually was, but I will have my wife come out and watch to make sure I do not hit something and test this again.

// Begin Venting

I think I am on the naughty list now because I read Tesla the riot act over the fact that they have rescheduled my Track Package install 7 times, in each case, waiting until 1-3 days before the appointment to cancel it. I explained that they should have JIT delivery of the parts down to a science, and each time they cancel my appointment, I have already rescheduled my classes and have to notify students that class will be held face-to-face instead of online. I hate how happy they are to inconvenience me when they know damn well that the parts will not arrive. I asked them to give me a “real” date up front so I can plan (after explaining that I am a professor and my schedule impacts 100 or so of my students; but they ignored my request and repeated the same process, scheduling my new appointment about one month after the old appointment, and then cancelled the new appointment. I have finally wised up and stopped changing my classes and just assumed Tesla will cancel my service appointment for another N times. If, on the off-chance that they actually deliver on a service appointment, I will cancel the appointment and reschedule it for when it is convenient for me. Muskedine’s distain for the customer rolls down to whoever is reading my chat messages.

Oh… and I noticed that Disney Plus is gone from my entertainment screen. Muskedine, after posting a positive reaction to an Anti-Semitic post on Twitter and having Disney cancel their advertising on Twitter, decided to retaliate by screwing his customers. Why in the world would he think that Disney cares at all about whether he offers Disney Plus on his vehicles? Does he think that his customers will blame Disney for this and cancel their subscriptions? Does he think at all? It seems to me that he continually shows distain for his customers, which may stop me from purchasing another Tesla and instead, opt for another electric vehicle. #Muskedine_needs_to_stay_on_his_meds.

// End Venting

Apparently Disney Plus disappeared if you haven't used it recently. You can apparently get it back by pulling it up in the browser.
I am telling everyone who asks or comments on my Tesla that the Tesla is great, but Tesla’s customer service is the worst I have ever experienced, by a factor greater than 3. Lexus was the best by far, and Tesla is working hard to be the worst customer service company on the planet in my opinion. Thanks so much, Moron Muskedine.


It took those clowns almost 4 months to adjust the frequency settings in my powerwalls to not flicker all the lights and make UPS think they’re not getting clean power. I have followed up with them every month to remind them and they kept feeding me the “higher level support is looking into this”. It’s a known issue, has been addressed many times before, read about it online a ton, so aside from changing the frequency from 65hz to 62.5hz, just like everyone else had done with the same issue, I’m not sure what they were looking into for 4 months.
Yes it does. But by the time it detects a car coming the other direction, (about 30 feet), it is far to late to save their drawers.
Your car doesn't see an oncoming car until 30 feet? The front camera should detect hundreds of feet ahead. My car sees cars in my neighborhood (unmarked street) quite a ways away, and moves to the right while maintaining speed (25MPH).

I'd be very concerned if the car didn't detect another car until it was 30 feet away.
Is the blue shading/highlighting new for merging onramp vehicles FSD Beta is yielding to? I've been mainly driving 11.4.4, and they were highlighted more opaque like the lead vehicle but not as early as the blue now.

Yes, I've noticed on 11.4.9 (coming from that rear cars are highlighted blue as well now, especially during merges
My impressions after 11.4.9 ( install and drive:

Lane selections are improved for the most part. The car picked the correct extreme right lane in one intersection as it had to turn right immediately after turning right for the next turn. For the first time it did this correctly.

Car tried to go on the bike lane right after a light a few times but quickly realized it is not allowed and stayed on the traveling lane as the right turn was in another 0.3 miles. See the picture.


Only those speed cameras on the traffic lights were recognized. We have a lot of speed cameras on major arteries on the side that were not recognized.

It blew threw the stop signs and turned fast near my neighborhood. This was not the case in previous updates. This is a regression.

I was able to see the red shading on the blind spot camera when turning and with the turn signals on although it was for a very short period of time.

I used the jingle for the lock sound and it is good I must say that the fart sound is very loud :D :D . So chose the jingle.

I did not try the park assist.
Making a video now. quick update: FSD driving - unchanged, maybe a bit worse. Gentle slow down at stop signs until the last 2-3 mph then it slams the brakes. Wipers - honestly really good, appropriate speed changes and actually wipes before the windshield becomes difficult to see through. Still runs me off the road and turns on red when it shouldn’t. High fidelity park assist is In the binnacle display so it can’t be manipulated like 3, y, and cyber truck, overhead view only. Seems to work pretty well, and is accurate even at night in the rain, it does, however seem to be inconsistent when deciding when to switch to It.
My impressions after 11.4.9 ( install and drive:

Lane selections are improved for the most part. The car picked the correct extreme right lane in one intersection as it had to turn right immediately after turning right for the next turn. For the first time it did this correctly.

Car tried to go on the bike lane right after a light a few times but quickly realized it is not allowed and stayed on the traveling lane as the right turn was in another 0.3 miles. See the picture.

View attachment 1002579

Only those speed cameras on the traffic lights were recognized. We have a lot of speed cameras on major arteries on the side that were not recognized.

It blew threw the stop signs and turned fast near my neighborhood. This was not the case in previous updates. This is a regression.

I was able to see the red shading on the blind spot camera when turning and with the turn signals on although it was for a very short period of time.

I used the jingle for the lock sound and it is good I must say that the fart sound is very loud :D :D . So chose the jingle.

I did not try the park assist.
What are you doing driving around in Chill mode???
Or is it really fricking cold where you are?? 😆
Yes it does. But by the time it detects a car coming the other direction, (about 30 feet), it is far to late to save their drawers.
I have a fairly narrow unmarked road I travel occasionally and I've found my MY to do fairly well. It moves towards the center but then moves over when it detects an oncoming car. I would probably do it a bit earlier but it does so early enough that it doesn't seem like it's playing chicken with the oncoming car.
It boggles the mind that 11.4.9 and all previous releases of 11.4.x still cannot turn onto my road from the “main” road I live off of. It has consistently (since 11.4.4) does this stupid swing WAY right, almost off the road, then swing far left, again, almost running of the road, while ending up in the left lane of oncoming traffic. This never happened on the 10.69 or whatever builds. Only an issue on the 11.4.x builds. 11.4.2 was probably the last build that was halfway decent.
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Took 2023. out for a quick drive through unmarked (mostly) neighborhood streets. All 25mph, stop signs.

1) Drives too close to the side of the road. Got really close completely unnecessarily to a parked truck on a turn on my street.
2) Slow to proceed at unmarked (no stop sign) intersections. Inappropriate creep limits.
3) Stop signs going downhill were a debacle. Jerky stopping, slamming on the brakes last minute, stopping twice, then proceeding super slowly. Second time this happened I had to push the accelerator.
4) Going uphill stop signs were still too slow but for whatever reason better (random to some extent of course).

I feel like prior version was better in this area, though I was not driving the exact same route I normally take. At least with prior version it was so timid I could just gently press accelerator (at every single stop sign of course).

Now it is perhaps more aggressive in a bad way, making it just a rough driving experience.

Just initial impressions. Total of about 10 minutes.

Regardless, if there had been anyone else in the car, it would have been very embarrassing. Completely unusable and useless on residential streets in this specific area.
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